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Object Oriented Programming (FIT-II) J. H. Wang Feb. 21, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Object Oriented Programming (FIT-II) J. H. Wang Feb. 21, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Object Oriented Programming (FIT-II) J. H. Wang Feb. 21, 2012

2 Instructor & TA Instructor –J. H. Wang ( 王正豪 ) –Assistant Professor, CSIE, NTUT –Office: R1534, Technology Building –E-mail: –Tel: ext. 4238 –Office Hour: 9:00-12:00 am, every Tuesday and Wednesday TA –Mr. Wang ( 王欣陽 ) –R1424, Technology Building

3 Course Overview Course: Object Oriented Programming (FIT-II) Time: 13:10-16:00pm, Tuesday Place: R503, 3rd Teaching Building Textbook: Absolute C++, 4th edition, by Walter Savitch, Addison- Wesley, 2010. ( 開發 ) –The 3rd edition is also acceptable (5th edition not yet available) References: –C++ How to Program, 8th edition, by Harvey Deitel and Paul Deitel, Prentice Hall, 2011. –C++ Primer, 4th edition, by Stanley B. Lippman, Josee Lajoie, and Barbara E. Moo, Addison-Wesley, 2005. (5th edition not yet available) –The C++ Programming Language, 3 rd edition, by Bjarne Stroustrup, Addison-Wesley, 1997. Prerequisites: –Basic computer skills (FIT-I basic) –Working knowledge of high-level programming languages such as C (FIT-I pro)

4 Target Students For those who –Might NOT major in CSIE but are interested in programming techniques, and –Have accomplished the courses in software engineering track: FIT-I basic & FIT-I pro, and –Are willing to prepare for intermediate and advanced software engineering courses

5 Emphases of Teaching Basic concepts of the object-oriented programming paradigm Hands-on experience of C++ programming skills Introduction to problem solving techniques, basic data structures and algorithm design

6 Teaching Lectures Quiz: about 2 quizzes –During the first month Homework and program assignments: about 5 assignments –Homework should be turned in within two weeks Mid-term and final exam

7 (Tentative) Grading Policy Homework and program assignments: 40% Quiz: 10-15% Midterm: 20-25% Final exam: 25%

8 Goal Introducing object-oriented programming concepts –Fundamental constructs in OOP with C++ –Practicing programming skills –Basic concepts: encapsulation, polymorphism, … Preparing for advanced courses –Application software design & object-oriented problem solving –Software engineering & project management

9 Tentative Schedule Organization of the textbook –Review of computer programming (3-4 wks) Overview of Object Oriented Programming Ch. 1-5: programs, functions, parameters, flow of control, arrays, structures –OOP (focus) (10-12 wks) Ch. 6-8: classes, constructors, friends, references Ch. 9, 10, 12: More constructs: strings, pointers and dynamic arrays, streams and file I/O Ch.14: Inheritance Ch.15: Polymorphism –Generic programming (optional) (2 wks) Ch. 16: templates Ch. 17: Standard Template Library

10 Tentative Schedule (Cont’) Schedule –Basically, 1 or 2 weeks per chapter The tentative schedule is subject to changes based on the learning status –Course Web Page: Please check the latest announcements, homeworks, exams, …

11 Program Development Environment Free C++ Development Environments –GCC on Linux/UNIX servers ( Not friendly for beginners –Windows-based Dev C++ ( not maintained –For further development, please check Orwell’s Engine ( ) –Other choices: wxDev-C++ by Colin Laplace et. al. Cygwin ( UNIX-like emulation on Windows MinGW ( Commercial tools –Microsoft Visual C++ –Borland C++ –…

12 Homework Submission Online submission instructions –Programs and homeworks in electronic files must be submitted to the TA online at: –Before submission: User name: Your student ID Please change your default password at your first login If the submission website fails, the NTUT Network Campus might be used for homework submission

13 Programming Paradigms Low-level vs. high-level programming languages – relative –Machine vs. human Styles of computer programming –Procedural programming –Object-oriented programming –Functional programming –Logic programming –…

14 Low-level vs. High-level Programming Languages Low-level: –Machine code, –Assembly High-level: (abstraction from the computer details) –Basic, C, Java, Pascal, C++, Perl, Python, …

15 Styles of Computer Programming Procedural programming –Imperative: procedures, routines, subroutines, methods, or functions Object-oriented programming Functional programming –Mathematical functions –E.g. Lisp, Erlang, Haskell, … Logic programming –Logic: facts, rules –E.g. Prolog …

16 Examples (1/5) Fibonacci numbers –F n = F n-1 + F n-2, n>=2 F 0 = 0, F 1 = 1 How to program? –(The following examples are adapted from Wikipedia.)

17 Examples (2/5) Functional: (Haskell) –fib 0 = 0 fib 1 = 1 fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2) –Or fib first second = first : fib second (first+second) fibonacci = fib 0 1 main = print (fibonacci !! 10)

18 Examples (3/5) Procedural: (C) –int fib(int n) { int first = 0, second = 1; for (int i=0, i<n; i++) { int sum = first+second; first = second; second = sum; } return first; }

19 Examples (4/5) Assembly: (in x86 using MASM syntax) –mov edx, [esp+8] cmp edx, 0 ja @f mov eax, 0 ret @@: cmp edx, 2 ja @f mov eax, 1 ret @@: push ebx mov ebx, 1 mov ecx, 1 @@: lea eax, [ebx+ecx] cmp edx, 3 jbe @f mov ebx, ecx mov ecx, eax dec edx jmp @b @@: pop ebx ret

20 Examples (5/5) Machine code: (a function in 32-bit x86) –8B542408 83FA0077 06B80000 0000C383 FA027706 B8010000 00C353BB 01000000 B9010000 008D0419 83FA0376 078BD98B C84AEBF1 5BC3

21 OOP: Basic Concepts Encapsulation –Object Instance of class –Members Attributes Methods Abstraction –Composition E.g.: car –Inheritance E.g.: Lassie the Dog, a Collie Polymorphism –Many meanings for one function

22 OOP: Why C++? OO programming language: Why C++? –C++: general purpose programming language with a bias towards systems programming that [from Bjarne Stroustrup’s homepage] Is a better C Supports data abstraction, object-oriented programming, and generic programming –C++ has Many users Wide applications –Others: Smalltalk, Java, …

23 Some Comparisons Three parts in C++ –Low-level language: largely inherited from C Data types, flow of control, functions, arrays, pointers, … –Advanced language features: to define our own data types Class, inheritance, polymorphism, template, exception, … –Standard library: some useful data structures and algorithms Containers, iterators, …

24 Differences among some textbooks –C++ How to Program: “early objects” approach “late objects” approach also available –C++ Primer: “early objects”, covering basics and library together –Absolute C++: intermediate –The C++ Programming Language: “The Bible”, as a reference

25 Thanks for Your Attention!

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