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SOME MYTHS ABOUT FOOD SHORTAGES. 1 billion people are hungry There are 12 myths according to the ‘Institute for food and development Policy’ These myths.

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2 1 billion people are hungry There are 12 myths according to the ‘Institute for food and development Policy’ These myths relate to food shortages and our ability to feed the people of the earth Here are seven of them:

3 Myth #1 There is not enough food produced in the world to feed everyone. Response There is! If we could divide all the food produced for every person on earth each person would get 1KG of grain, beans and nuts each,.5KG of fruits and vegetables each and.5KG of meat, milk and eggs each.

4 Myth #2 There are too many people in the world. It is overpopulated. Response China has many people and there is no starvation. Food production in China has increased dramatically.

5 Myth #3 Scientists will take care of the problem with scientific advances Response Scientists have increased worldwide yields in crops such as rice and wheat, yet hunger still persists in countries such as Mexico.

6 Myth #4 Large farms will help. Large-scale production methods and operations will allow us to increase the amount of food available. Response Small-scale farmers farm their land in a more intensive way than commercial farmers, so they reap more per square kilometre.

7 Myth #5 The free market can end hunger. Market forces and competition will drive down the cost of food and promote increased production totals. Response Free-market forces do little for the landless poor in the developing world. International food corporations race to cut expenses faster that their competitors, often at the expense of poor workers and small-scale farmers.

8 Myth#6 Free trade is the answer. Allowing countries to trade more freely, without barriers or tariffs or taxes, will allow more food to mover into areas in need. Response Allowing free trade does not help to overcome local poverty and hunger. In Brazil, soybean exports increased dramatically. At the same time, local widespread hunger increased, affecting two-thirds of Brazil’s population.

9 Myth#7 Developed countries could alleviate a great deal of hunger by using their surplus production to provide more food aid for suffering countries. Response Aid shipments from developed nations help in emergency situations. However, they harm local food economies in the long run. It is difficult for farmers to sell their food locally when stockpiles of food aid sit in a warehouse to be given away for nothing.

10 The End!

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