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Building and Enriched Vocabulary

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1 Building and Enriched Vocabulary
Lesson 11

2 Lesson 11 Vocabulary Connoisseur Corpulent Crucial
Consensus Corroborate Culpable Construe Counsel Cursory Consummate Credibility Curtail Copious Criterion Cynical

3 Connoisseur Noun Definition: Someone with informed and discriminating judgment, especially in matters of art, literature, or taste. I don’t know anything about quiches or soufflés, but I’m a true connoisseur when it comes to pizza.

4 Consensus Noun Definition: Collective uniformity of opinion; general agreement in feeling or belief. Though everyone in out club agreed that we had a problem, there was no group consensus on how to solve it.

5 Definition: To analyze, explain, interpret, or understand.
Construe Verb Definition: To analyze, explain, interpret, or understand. “Am I to construe your silence as an admission of guilt?” Dad asked.

6 Consummate Adjective and Verb Definition:
Adjective: Complete or perfect in the highest degree. The soprano may lack the consummate artistry of a great singing actress such as Callas, but she is still a remarkable performer. Verb: To bring to completion or perfection. Though there are still a few minor details to iron out, we expect to consummate the deal sometime this week.

7 Definition: Large in number or quantity; full.
Copious Adjective Definition: Large in number or quantity; full. In no time at all, the guests reduced the copious supply of edibles to a mere memory.

8 Definition: Fat and bulky.
Corpulent Adjective Definition: Fat and bulky. On paydays my wallet becomes pretty corpulent; the rest of the week it looks as if it’s on a very stringent diet.

9 Definition: To confirm the truth or accuracy of.
Corroborate Verb Definition: To confirm the truth or accuracy of. The defendant’s alibi may sound far-fetched, but highly reliable evidence corroborates every last word of it.

10 Counsel Noun and Verb Definition:
Noun: Advice secured through consultation At first I ignored my grandmother’s advice , but as I grew older, I came to appreciate the wisdom of her counsel. Noun: An adviser, especially a legal adviser Under a landmark Supreme Court ruling, every defendant in a criminal case is assured of representation by legal counsel. Verb: To advise or recommend as a course of action. “Before my final choice ,” my faculty adviser counseled, “visit each colleges to which you’ve applied.”

11 Definition: The ability to inspire belief or trust.
Credibility Noun Definition: The ability to inspire belief or trust. “The secretary’s public statements are often at odds with official pronouncements,” the reporter observed. “This has seriously impaired his credibility as a reliable spokesman for the administration.”

12 Criterion Noun Definition: a standard or principle on which to base a judgment or decision. Usefulness is not the only criterion for including words in this book, but it is the primary one.

13 Crucial Adjective Definition: At a point that will determine the final outcome; of supreme importance. “The next few months are crucial,” President Harry S. Truman once said. “What we do now will affect our American way of life for decades to come.”

14 Definition: At fault; blameworthy.
Culpable Adjective Definition: At fault; blameworthy. “I should have kept a closer eye on the project,” the supervisor confessed. “In this regard, I’m as culpable as those who actually botched the job.”

15 Definition: Hasty and superficial.
Cursory Adjective Definition: Hasty and superficial. “I was so pressed for time that I couldn’t give the lengthy report more than a cursory reading,” the busy executive confessed.

16 Definition: To shorten or reduce.
Curtail Adjective Definition: To shorten or reduce. When problems arose at the office, I was forced to curtail my vacation and hurry back to the city.

17 Cynical Adjective Definition: Inclined to doubt or deny the virtuousness or honesty of human motives; sneering bitter or negative. “As you say, my view of the world may be far to rosy,” I admitted. “On the other hand, yours is perhaps a bit too cynical.”

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