One of the key differences between experts and novices is an experts ability to recognize important information from less important information. Today:

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Presentation on theme: "One of the key differences between experts and novices is an experts ability to recognize important information from less important information. Today:"— Presentation transcript:

1 One of the key differences between experts and novices is an experts ability to recognize important information from less important information. Today: Inheritance for 1 gene

2 Sexual reproduction creates genetic diversity by combining DNA from 2 individuals, but also by creating genetically unique gametes. {Producing more cells} {Producing gametes} Fig 12.3

3 haploid diploid X 23 in humans X 23 in humans X 23 in humans Inheritance = The interaction between genes inherited from Mom and Dad.

4 Do parents’ genes/traits blend together in offspring?

5 In many instances there is a unique pattern of inheritance. Traits disappear and reappear in new ratios. Fig 13.4

6 GenotypePhenotype

7 Human blood types Box 44.2

8 One gene with three alleles controls carbohydrates that are found on Red Blood Cell membranes RBC A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B Allele A = A carbsAllele B = B carbs Allele O = no carbs Box 44.2

9 Human blood types Box 44.2

10 RBC A A A A A A A A A We each have two versions of each gene… So Genotype could be A and A OR A and O

11 RBC A A A A A A A A A Recessive alleles do not show their phenotype when a dominant allele is present. Genotype could be A and A OR A and O

12 What about… Genotype = ?? RBC

13 What about… Genotype = OO RBC

14 A A A B A A B B B What about… B

15 RBC A A A B A A B B B What about… B Genotype = AB

16 Human blood types AA or AO AB BB or BO OO Box 44.2 Phenotyp e Genotype Phenotype Result of transfusion

17 If Frank has B blood type, his Dad has A blood type, And his Mom has B blood type… Should Frank be worried?

18 possible genotypes Mom=B blood BB or BO Dad=A blood AA or AO

19 Gametes all B / 50% B and 50% O all A / 50% A and 50% O possible genotypes Mom=B blood BB or BO Dad=A blood AA or AO

20 Mom=B blood BB or BO Dad=A blood AA or AO Gametes all B / 50% B and 50% O all A / 50% A and 50% O possible genotypes Frank can be BO = B blood …no worries

21 Mom=B blood BB or BO Dad=A blood AA Gametes all B / 50% B and 50% O all A possible genotypes Frank can be BO or BB = B blood …Uh-Oh Grandparents AB and AB

22 Some simple dominant/recessive relationships in humans Dom.Rec. Dom.

23 We can also predict the future Fig 2.12

24 Mom = ABDad = AB Inheritance of blood types

25 Mom = ABDad = AB Gametes:A or B Inheritance of blood types

26 Mom = ABDad = AB Gametes: A or B AA ABBB AB Chance of each phenotype for each offspring 25% AA 50% AB 25% BB Mom Dad Inheritance of blood types

27 Testcross: determining dominant/ recessive and zygosity

28 Fig 16.21 Sickle-cell anemia is caused by a point mutation

29 Sickled and normal red blood cells

30 Mom = HSDad = HS H or S HH HSSS HS possible offspring 75% Normal 25% Sickle-cell Mom Dad S=sickle-cell H=normal Sickle-Cell Anemia: A dominant or recessive allele?

31 Coincidence of malaria and sickle-cell anemia

32 Mom = HSDad = HS H or S HH HSSS HS possible offspring Oxygen transport: 75% Normal 25% Sickle-cell Malaria resistance: 75% resistant 25% susceptible Mom Dad Sickle-Cell Anemia: A dominant or recessive allele? S=sickle-cell H=normal

33 Variation in pea shape and color

34 Phenotype Genotype Fig 13.5

35 The inheritance of genes on different chromo- somes is independent.

36 Y y rR Gene for seed color Gene for seed shape Approximate position of seed color and shape genes in peas Chrom. 1/7Chrom. 7/7 Fig 13.8

37 The inheritance of genes on different chromosomes is independent: independent assortment

38 Fig 13.8 meiosis I meiosis II

39 Fig 13.8 The inheritance of genes on different chromosomes is independent: independent assortment

40 Fig 13.5

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