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from the Roman Empire to the European Union

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1 from the Roman Empire to the European Union

2 Is there a connection between the Roman Empire and the decision in the 20th Century for most European countries to join together? Lets find out.

3 One way to find out is to develop a time line of events. Lets have a go
Before we start lets see what we can remember about time lines. Make heading in your book ‘How to develop a time line’

4 How to develop a time line
Draw a line (horizontal or vertical along the page on your book. Space events evenly. (if there is 200 years between one event and another then 500 years until the next event, the spaces should represent that difference. 2010 2000 1300 1500 1600

5 Lets begin our time line
Make a heading on your 2b5 book (use a double page and draw a vertical line across the middle of the page. From the Roman Empire to the European Union What date should we start with? Lets go back to when the Roman Empire was at it’s most successful.

6 The Roman Empire began in 753 BC and lasted until 23 BC
What to do next Decide on a date to start your time line Decide where to put the end of the Roman Empire

7 This is what your time line might look like
We could start our timeline at this point This is about the time the Roman Empire falls

8 Welcome the Ottoman Empire

9 Who were the Ottoman’s They were from Turkey
They decided that many of the smaller less organised countries such as Romania, Hungary, Egypt, Iran and many others were easy pickings. They did not bring as many changes to the rest of Europe as the Roman’s did. They were however very cruel rulers and to this day the descendant’s of those invaded people are still weary of the Turkish nation.

10 On a separate page paste in the two maps you are being given, colour them in to represent the countries invaded.

11 You can use pictures to enhance your time line
Why do we have BC and AD after the century dates? What happens after 0BC 100AD 400bc 1299AD 0bc 200AD 700bc 300bc 753bc After Rome falls, Europe returns to being small countries that are ruled by Kings and Queens. Not much changes just a few battles and land wars here and there UNTIL !

12 1915 Germany decides it’s wants to be the new Emperial force
1915 Germany decides it’s wants to be the new Emperial force. They invade parts of Europe they are quickly defeated but not for long. 1900AD 2010AD 1915 200AD 1908AD In 1930’s Germany under the influence of Hitler again tries to take over most of Europe including England


14 Which country do you think should fill this space.?
Ottoman Empire Roman Empire Germany occupied countries Which country do you think should fill this space.?

15 The allied forces Britian, France, USA, Australia, and New Zealand are grateful for the help they received from Russia in helping to win the war. They give control over much of Eastern Europe to the Russian’s . Remember which countries theses were? 1945AD 2010AD 1989AD The Allied forces defeat Germany What happens next?


17 Ottoman Empire Roman Empire Germany occupied countries USSR

18 What do we already know about these countries
They had been invaded by the Romans in the 200’s BC They were invaded by the Ottoman’s in around 1200AD They were controlled by the Germans in the mid 1900’s NOW THEY ARE UNDER THE CONTROL OF RUSSIA.

19 For the next almost 50 years these countries are ruled by Russia
For the next almost 50 years these countries are ruled by Russia. Some of the people think this is okay others just want to control their own lives and country. 1945AD 2010AD 1989AD In 1989 the USSR United Soviet States of Russia are disestablished and at last these countries are free to run themselves.

20 But how long will this freedom last what can they do to make sure that this is the last time they are invaded and controlled by larger nations. War is destructive not just to the environment but also to the economy and community life of the people affected.

21 They need help. Ideas, can you help them with a plan

22 They want: To look after each other when there is a need But they also want to retain their own identity. They would also like to be a joint force with money and military power to face threats from other regions.

23 1993 2010AD The Treaty of Masstricht is established. This is the beginning of the European Union. Individual countries working together to protect each other but retain their independence.

24 Lets see if you ideas would be helpful
Can you work together in groups of 3 or 4 to draft a plan that you think would help these countries.

25 Lets check out this web page on the European Union to see what we can find.

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