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DO NOW-Record the following in your writer’s notebook or binder (5 min.) Word of the Day: Pernicious Part of Speech: adjective 1. Highly injurious or destructive;

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW-Record the following in your writer’s notebook or binder (5 min.) Word of the Day: Pernicious Part of Speech: adjective 1. Highly injurious or destructive;"— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW-Record the following in your writer’s notebook or binder (5 min.) Word of the Day: Pernicious Part of Speech: adjective 1. Highly injurious or destructive; deadly Context: Judgment Connotation: morally corrupt “More pernicious still has been the acceptance of the author's controversial ideas by the general public.”

2 ENG 9R MAY 11TH You Need: Writing Utensil; notes CLASS: WotD Quiz Words (5 min.) R + J Sculpture Garden (20 min.) “Don’t Be Afraid Of Shakespeare” (15 min.)

3 ENG 9R MAY 11TH Sculpture Garden: 1. Come get quote & # from Mr. H 2. Find Partner with another # 3. #1s: “Sculpt” partner (words from your posture, gestures, intonation) 4. Share (3 min.) 5. #2s: “Sculpt” partner (words from your posture, gestures, intonation) 6. Share (3 min.) 7. Whole Class-Themes

4 Don’t be afraid of Shakespeare A History of English and the Humours Special Thanks to Mr. Unterborn for this resource!

5 Middle English I wouldn’t expect you to get this, but you really should read The Canterbury Tales!

6 The Canterbury Tales (c. 1390) “The General Prologue” Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote The droghte of March hath perced to the roote And bathed every veyne in swich licour, Of which vertu engendred is the flour; Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth Inspired hath in every holt and heeth The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne Hath in the Ram his halfe cours yronne, And smale foweles maken melodye, (That slepen al the nyght with open eye) So priketh hem Nature in hir corages Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes; And specially from every shires ende Of Engelond, to Caunterbury they wende, The hooly blisful martir for to seke That hem hath holpen, whan that they were seeke.

7 A Brief History of English Begins as a West Germanic language –Anglo-Frisian dialects Brought to Britain by invaders from Northwest Germany and Holland Viking invaders, 8 th & 9 th Centuries Norman Conquest, 11 th Century

8 Old English Dialects spoken by Anglo-Saxons became Old English Spoken until 12 & 13 th Centuries Modern speakers would probably have to learn Old English as a foreign language First page of Beowulf

9 Beowulf, lines 1-11 Hwæt! Wē Gār-Denain geārdagum, þēodcyninga,þrym gefrūnon, hū ðā æþelingasellen fremedon. Oft Scyld Scēfingsceaþena þrēatum, monegum m ǣ gþum, meodosetla oftēah, egsode eorlas. Syððan ǣ rest wearð fēasceaft funden,hē þæs frōfre gebād, wēox under wolcnum,weorðmyndum þāh, oðþæt him ǣ ghwylc þāra ymbsittendra ofer hronrādehran scolde, gomban gyldan.Þæt wæs gōd cyning!

10 Middle English For about 300 years after the Conquest the court spoke Anglo-Norman While French was the “prestige language” Henry V, c. 1410 Ends with The Great Vowel Shift, mid 15 th Century Canterbury Tales woodcut

11 Early Modern & Modern English Standardized language of London Printing –Legal documents –First dictionary (1604) Modern English born out of technology –Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary, 1755 –Industrial Revolution –Empire, absorbtion of other languages Samuel Johnson, 1772

12 ENG 9R MAY 12TH You Need: Writing Utensil; Notes; Character Journal Assignment; Vocabulary Assignment CLASS: The Humors (10 min.) View Act I (30 min.) LAB: Introduction to the Character Journal Assignment (7 min.) Introduction to the Vocabulary Assignment (7 min.) Read Act I (selected scenes; 25 min.)

13 The Humours There’s nothing funny about these

14 The Humours Empedocles (450BC) –Four elements: air, earth, fire, water Hippocrates (400BC) father of medicine –Humours = “juice” or “sap” Galen (190AD) –Four temperaments

15 The Four Humours

16 Sanguine Body fluid = blood Organ = liver Element = air sanguine (adj) cheerfully optimistic; hopeful; confident. Reddish or ruddy complexion. Connotation = positive

17 Phlegmatic Body fluid = phlegm Organ = brain & lungs Element = water phlegmatic (adj) not easily excited to action or display of emotion. Connotation = somewhat negative

18 Melancholic Body fluid = black bile Organ = spleen Element = earth melancholic (adj) affected by melancholy; gloomy; depressed; sad Connotation = negative

19 Choleric Body fluid = yellow bile Organ = gall bladder Element = fire choleric (adj) extremely irritable; easily angered Connotation = negative

20 ENG 9R MAY 12TH You Need: Writing Utensil; Notes; Character Journal Assignment; Vocabulary Assignment CLASS: The Humors (10 min.) View Act I (30 min.) LAB: Introduction to the Character Journal Assignment (7 min.) Introduction to the Vocabulary Assignment (7 min.) Read Act I (selected scenes; 25 min.)

21 ENG 9R MAY 12TH Romeo & Juliet Act I Scene 1 Characters Sampson Garrett GregoryChris D AbramMR. H BalthasarBiz BenvolioChris M TybaltEric CitizensMr. H MontagueSean Han Lady MontagueJordan Prince EscalusChris M RomeoSam Romeo & Juliet Act I Scene 2 Characters CapuletEric County ParisGarrett Second ServingmanChris D Romeo & Juliet Act I Scene 3 Characters Lady Capulet Jordan Nurse`TJ JulietLogan First ServingmanChris D

22 ENG 9R MAY 12TH Romeo & Juliet Act I Scene 4 Characters RomeoSam MercutioMr. H BenvolioChris M MaskersBiz Torch-BearersEric Romeo & Juliet Act I Scene 5 Characters AnthonyGarrett PotpanTJ CapuletEric Lady CapuletJordan Old CapuletChris D JulietLogan TybaltSean Han Nurse`TJ First ServingmanChris D Second ServingmanGarrett Third ServingmanMr. H GuestsMarco GentlewomenSean Hobbins MaskersBiz

23 ENG 9R MAY 12TH Romeo & Juliet Act I Scene 1 Characters SampsonSydney GregoryDavid AbramMr. H BalthasarMae BenvolioRyan TybaltAJ K CitizensMr. H MontagueTyler Lady MontagueCay Prince EscalusLuis RomeoAJ B Romeo & Juliet Act I Scene 2 Characters CapuletColin County ParisAriel Second ServingmanAJK Romeo & Juliet Act I Scene 3 Characters Lady CapuletSydney NurseLuis JulietAshley First Servingman

24 ENG 9R MAY 12TH Romeo & Juliet Act I Scene 4 Characters RomeoAJB MercutioMr. H BenvolioRyan MaskersAJK Torch-BearersColin M Romeo & Juliet Act I Scene 5 Characters Anthony Potpan Capulet Lady Capulet Old Capulet Juliet Tybalt Nurse First Servingman Second Servingman Third Servingman Guests Gentlewomen Maskers

25 ENG 9R MAY 12TH You Need: Writing Utensil; Notes; Character Journal Assignment; Vocabulary Assignment CLASS: The Humors (10 min.) View Act I (30 min.) LAB: Introduction to the Character Journal Assignment (7 min.) Introduction to the Vocabulary Assignment (7 min.) Read Act I (selected scenes; 25 min.)

26 ENG 9R MAY 13TH You Need: Laptop; CLASS: Read Romeo & Juliet Act I

27 ENG 9R MAY 14TH You Need: Logged-in Laptop; Character Journal Assignment CLASS: Finish Reading Act I (10 min.) Start Reading Act II (25 min.) Notes on Character Journal (5 min.); Work Time Moved to 5/18! HW: Character Journal & Vocabulary

28 ENG 9R MAY 14TH Romeo & Juliet Act I Scene 4 Characters RomeoSam MercutioMr. H BenvolioChris M MaskersBiz Torch-BearersEric Romeo & Juliet Act I Scene 5 Characters AnthonyGarrett PotpanTJ CapuletEric Lady CapuletJordan Old CapuletChris D JulietLogan TybaltSean Han Nurse`TJ First ServingmanChris D Second ServingmanGarrett Third ServingmanMr. H GuestsMarco GentlewomenSean Hobbins MaskersBiz

29 ENG 9R MAY 14TH Romeo & Juliet Act II Scene 1 Characters RomeoSam BenvolioChris M MercutioMr. H Romeo & Juliet Act II Scene 2 Characters RomeoSam JulietLogan NurseTJ Romeo & Juliet Act II Scene 3 Characters Friar LawrenceMr. HRomeoSam Romeo & Juliet Act II Scene 4 Characters BenvolioChris M MercutioMr. H RomeoSam NurseTJ Peter.Chris D

30 ENG 9R MAY 14TH Romeo & Juliet Act I Scene 4 Characters RomeoAJB MercutioMr. H BenvolioRyan MaskersAJK Torch-BearersColin M Romeo & Juliet Act I Scene 5 Characters AnthonyMr. H Potpan CapuletColin Lady CapuletSydney Old CapuletRyan` JulietAshley TybaltAJ K NurseLuis First ServingmanAJ K Second ServingmanAJ K Third ServingmanAJ K Guests Gentlewomen MaskersAJ K

31 ENG 9R MAY 14TH Romeo & Juliet Act II Scene 1 Characters RomeoAJ B BenvolioRyan MercutioMr. H Romeo & Juliet Act II Scene 2 Characters RomeoAJ B JulietAshley NurseLuis Romeo & Juliet Act II Scene 3 Characters Friar LawrenceMr. HRomeoAJ B Romeo & Juliet Act II Scene 4 Characters BenvolioRyan MercutioMr. H RomeoAJ B NurseLuis Peter.AJ K

32 ENG 9R MAY 15TH You Need: Laptop; CLASS: Watch Act I, Sc. 5-Act II (40 min.) HW: Character Journal & Vocabulary

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