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“Оборот there is / there are”

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Presentation on theme: "“Оборот there is / there are”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Оборот there is / there are”
“My flat”

2 “There is no place like home” Нет лучше места, чем дом.
“East or West home is best” В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. “Home, sweet home” Дом, милый дом.

3 FLAT – HOUSE Apartment – американский вариант слова flat.

4 “How many new words do you know?”
bathroom living room dining room bedroom kitchen toilet armchair carpet lamp television chair coffee table picture playstation bookcase computer wall wardrobe bookshelf floor video window cosy comfortable TV bed sofa

“Prepositions” ON – НА IN – В UNDER – ПОД AT – У, ОКОЛО

6 В платяном шкафу

7 - In the wardrobe

8 В книжном шкафу

9 - In the bookcase

10 В комнате

11 - In the room

12 На столе

13 - On the table

14 У окна

15 - At the window

16 На книжной полке

17 - On the bookshelf

18 Под столом

19 - Under the table

20 На стене

21 - On the wall

22 Около стола

23 - At the table

24 How many rooms are there in your flat?

25 Is there a telephone in your flat?

26 What is your telephone number?

27 Are there two armchairs in the living room?

28 Is there a wardrobe in your bedroom?

29 Are there two beds in the bedroom?

30 Is there a picture on the wall in your room?

31 Is there a carpet on the floor in your living room?

32 Is there a computer in your room?

33 Is there a TV in your room?

34 Homework Workbook Lesson p Do Exercises , 4, 5, 6.

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