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Producing a high-impact web experience by integrate Macromedia Flash and ASP By Katie Tuttle CS 330: Internet Architecture and Programming Project.

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2 Producing a high-impact web experience by integrate Macromedia Flash and ASP By Katie Tuttle CS 330: Internet Architecture and Programming Project

3 Producing high-impact web experience  Macromedia Flash allows fast graphics and animations  ASP runs on the web server which manipulate server objects  Working with Third-party, Server-side Applications  Flash can be integrated with ASP, server-side application  In doing so data can be display dynamically  Exciting web sites increases user activity to that site

4 Macromedia Flash 5  Uses graphics, animation, sound and interactivity to display practical information  Flash movies can now communicate directly with server-side scripts and programs  Flash can create presentations or attractive advertisements  Flash can broadcast business in a new and more exciting way then is possible with conventional marketing

5 Applications Services Provider (ASP)  Enables Web developers to produce dynamic content within the convenience of a markup environment.  Combine the power of server-side processing with the ease of HTML-syntax  ASP Page requested by the web server that supports ASP, it is first interpreted by Internet Sever Application Programming Interface filter  Then the interpreted output is sent back to the requesting client.

6 Working with Third-party, Server-side Applications  Combining Flash and ASP  Data transfer to the database  Data is display attractively  Manipulation of data interaction with Flash  How Flash and ASP interaction (to the right)

7 Create a Flash and ASP application  In creating a Flash and ASP application  Flash interface that calls an ASP page, retrieve data from the database  Flash interface collects and sends data from the user to the database through the ASP page  ASP is a mediator between the database and outputs in the format with or without changing the data  Takes data sent from the Flash interface and stores it in the database

8 Sending data from Flash and storing it in the database  Preparing the Flash interface  Getting the form sending data to the database to work  Carrying out the insert operation through ASP

9 Involves the following  Flash sends the data from the ‘Input Form’ to the ASP file  ASP sends the data to be stored to the database  ASP sends the results of its operation to the Flash interface  Flash sets a counter while the ASP inserts the data and shows success or failure of the operation

10 Integrating Flash and ASP  Create a Database in Microsoft Access  Create Flash form interface  Create an Empty ASP File and HTML file to close the guestbook window  Input form (to the right)

11 How it all works

12 Preparing the Flash Interface  Name the text field boxes  Write action-scripts for the buttons  Make a counter to give the interface time to check if the data has been inserted  Make frames to show success or failure of the operation

13 Successful and Failed Frame

14 ASP Getting Data and Flash Displays Data  Getting Data and sending it to Flash  ASP page interacts with the Database and gets the required data  ASP sends the retrieved data to Flash  Flash displays the data got from the ASP file  Flash displays the first record  Navigating through the records

15 Flash Preloader  Preloader usually made to attractive the user to keep them occupied while the application is loading  This is the last frame to the Flash and ASP application

16 Flash and ASP GuestBook  The last step is export to the web  In a web site:  Guest Book

17 Significance of Flash and ASP  ASP is being used in businesses to control and update their database  Businesses are finding that with Flash on their web sites that they can attract more viewer  Integration of ASP and Flash can be used to develop product or service demonstrations  Flash can broadcast business in a new and more exciting way then is possible with conventional marketing

18 Relates to the Material in the Course  ASP relates to the server for it interacts with the server  Flash interacts with ASP and the client  The coding in ASP is like HTML and has the same effect as CGI programs  Integrating Flash and ASP shows how the understanding Internet Architecture and Programming is important

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