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Same Sex Relations To date we have examined the history of sexuality primarily in the context of the history of the family. Western religious traditions.

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Presentation on theme: "Same Sex Relations To date we have examined the history of sexuality primarily in the context of the history of the family. Western religious traditions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Same Sex Relations To date we have examined the history of sexuality primarily in the context of the history of the family. Western religious traditions of Judaism and Christianity conceptualize same sex sexual relations as deviant and/or sinful, and classify same sex physical relations with other forms of deviant, sinful, or prohibited sexuality (e.g., fornication, adultery, bestiality, masturbation). The logic behind such a conception is that the purpose of sexuality is procreation, and such behavior is not potentially procreative.

2 Movements for Sexual Liberation Come from a variety of interests, e.g.,…. –Women –Science and Medicine –Gays and Lesbians

3 Women…. Women claiming the right of sexual pleasure and control of their own bodies. ‘Birth control.’ 1920s and 1930s in the US, birth control clinics began to provide information and contraception. They challenged the Comstock laws. Could birth control information or paraphernalia be banned from distribution in the mails as obscene?

4 Women…. Birth control pill was developed in the 1950s with support from Planned Parenthood Made available to the public in the 1960s The most effective contraceptive method yet developed which a woman could control.

5 Science and Medicine... Challenge the authority of law and religious authorities to define the “normal” and the “deviant” in sexuality. –Psychologists –Sociologists –Physiologists

6 Psychologists or that sexual dysfunctions cause neuroses. Examples: Freud, Havelock Ellis. When: late 19 th -early 20 th century

7 Sociologists......begin to survey sexual practices. The Kinsey Reports of the 1940s and 1950s demonstrate the discrepancy between morality and practice For example, 1/3rd of men acknowledge a sexual relationship to orgasm with another male

8 Physiologists... Masters and Johnson conduct ‘experiments’ to study human sexuality by putting people in a laboratory, wiring them up and recording physiological responses. When: 1950s and 1960s

9 Gays and Lesbians…. And the the right to sexual autonomy. In the US, cities develop gay and lesbian subcultures (turn of the 20th century), including bars and restaurants, and networks of jobs and relationships of support. These communities are periodically harassed and prosecuted under local vice laws. 3. In 1969, at the Stonewall Inn, bar in Greenwich Village, NY, the patrons fought back when the police attempted to raid the bar and arrest patrons. A street riot broke out and led to an open movement for the rights of gays and lesbians, patterned on the civil rights and women’s liberation movements.

10 Gays and Lesbians... In 1969, at the Stonewall Inn, a bar in Greenwich Village, NY, the patrons fought back when the police attempted to raid the bar and arrest patrons. A street riot broke out and led to an open movement for the rights of gays and lesbians, patterned on the civil rights and women’s liberation movements.

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