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Print your Name Print your Street Address Print your City, State, and Zip Code Self-Represented Print Courthouse Street Address Print Courthouse City,

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Presentation on theme: "Print your Name Print your Street Address Print your City, State, and Zip Code Self-Represented Print Courthouse Street Address Print Courthouse City,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Print your Name Print your Street Address Print your City, State, and Zip Code Self-Represented Print Courthouse Street Address Print Courthouse City, State, and Zip Code Print Court District Find the word “Plaintiff” on the Complaint. Print exactly what is written next to it. Find the word “Defendant” on the Complaint. Print exactly what is written next to it. SKIP #s 2 and 3 if you are the Defendant. Fill them out if you are the Plaintiff. Print what information you have, (e.g., if you only have the Dept. #, leave the rest blank). Print your Name Print the time of your conference Print the date of your conference Check box Describe the type of case, such as “ debt collection case” and list all the causes of action. A cause of action is the legal claim(s) stated by the Plaintiff in the Complaint form, such as Breach of Contract or Common Counts. Print Case Number Check x Los Angeles Check, click on Case Summary, enter Case #.

2 Print the Plaintiff’s Name Print the Defendant’s Name Print the Case Number Briefly explain why you are suing the Defendant(s) and how much money you are requesting. If the Defendant filed an Answer, write a short statement of what the Defendant said in his/her Answer. Choose One Leave blank If you are the Plaintiff If you are the Defendant Your Case Management Review date IS NOT your trial date! Check with the court clerk or on the court website to see if you have a trial date at Click on “Case Summary” and put in your Case Number. If you do not have a trial date, just check box b. ADR involves programs to settle a case, such as Mediation or Arbitration. (See the attached brochure for more information). If you are already participating in such a program, SKIP a, FILL OUT b and c. If not, SKIP 10 a-c. The Court needs to reserve time for your trial. State how long you believe it will take for both parties to present their side of the case in Court for the trial. Leave Blank Briefly explain why you are being sued and how much money Plaintiff is requesting in his/her Complaint. Review your Answer and write a short statement of what you said in it, including defenses. A jury trial requires both parties to pick the jury members, explain the law in writing and present the case to the jurors, who then make a decision. You must pay jury fees of $150 per day or request a fee waiver if you want a jury trial. A nonjury trial is conducted by a judge who then makes a decision. x Check box Leave blank List any dates you cannot attend a trial in the next 10-12 months. If none, SKIP 6c. You must have a very good reason, such as if you will be out of the country or have a scheduled surgery

3 Print the Plaintiff’s Name Print the Defendant’s Name Print the Case Number Check this box if the Plaintiff is asking for $50,000 or less SKIP box “f” and “g.” Check this box if you want to try to settle the case at a conference with a Judge and state when you are available for it. Otherwise, SKIP 11. If you had some type of insurance that affects the issues in your case (such as disability or car insurance), check any boxes that apply. If not, SKIP 12. Review the attached brochure. Check the box for any program listed in (1)-(6) that you would like to participate in. If you do not want to participate in any of these, and just want a Judge to decide your case at a trial, SKIP 10d. ONLY Check box 13 if YOU HAVE ALREADY filed for bankruptcy. SKIP 14. SKIP 15. SKIP 16.

4 Print the Plaintiff’s Name Print the Defendant”s Name Print the Case Number Either party can request information from the other by sending written requests called “Discovery.” The party responding to Discovery must send written responses in the required format within 30 days if received in person or 35 days from mailing, if mailed. Check box “a” if you did not receive or send Discovery OR if both parties finished responding to request(s). Then, SKIP boxes “b” and “c.” If you have responses or requests to still do, check “b” and state if you are the Defendant or Plaintiff. List each type of response or request on a separate line, e.g., “Response to From Interrogatories.” Put the date by which you will respond or the date by which the other party has to respond to your request. Check box “a” if the Plaintiff is asking for $25,000 or less in the Complaint. SKIP 17c SKIP 18b SKIP 19 Check box 20a if you have had contact with the other party or their attorney (by phone, in person or by mail or e-mail) to try to resolve any issues in the case. If you reached an agreement, also check box “b.” If you HAVE NOT HAD contact, check “a,” explain why not, then SKIP “b.” Leave blank READ Print your Name Print the date Sign your Name

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