© Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 1 Funding Workshop Athens, May 11th Geert Van Grootel Brigitte Jörg.

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Presentation on theme: "© Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 1 Funding Workshop Athens, May 11th Geert Van Grootel Brigitte Jörg."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 1 Funding Workshop Athens, May 11th Geert Van Grootel Brigitte Jörg

2 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 2 Funding Workshop Programme Part 1: 09.30 -10.45 Intro Workshop goals Procedure and methodology Domain scoping : Funding Part 2: 11.15 – 12.30 –User perspectives Funding agency Researcher Research manager Research policy maker –Cases part I Part 3: 13.30 – 15.00 –Cases part II –Discussions, conclusions and actions

3 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 3 Funding Workshop Workshop goals Consensus building on the semantics of different elements related to the concepts and praxis of “Funding” Requirements capturing for “Funding” from the different end user or stakeholder perspectives on “Funding” Verbalize these requirements in a standardized manner Plan further activities Describe and plan the output products to delivered by the CERIF TG

4 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 4 Funding Workshop Methodology Define purpose of Funding Model Scope the “Funding” object Knowledge extraction Verbalization Workshop CERIF TG Build logical model Resolve to CERIF Conceptual level Logical & Physical level

5 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 5 Funding Workshop Funding: definition –Providing financial resources to finance a need, program, or project. In general, this term is used when a firm fills the need for cash from its own internal reserves, and the term 'financing' is used when the need is filled from external or borrowed money. (BusinessDirectory.com)financialresourcesfinanceneedprogramprojectfirmfillscashownreservesfinancingmoney –Research funding is a term generally covering any funding for scientific research, in the areas of both "hard" science and technology and social science. The term often connotes funding obtained through a competitive process, in which potential research projects are evaluated and only the most promising receive funding. Such processes, which are run by government, corporations or foundations, allocate scarce funds. (OECD, Main Science and Technology Indicators – 2008) researchsciencetechnologysocial scienceMain Science and Technology Indicators – 2008 –Research Grant: Means a sum of money made available to the University for the conduct of a specific research project or programme which is to be undertaken over a specified period of time. (http://www.hr.uwa.edu.au/agreements/general/general_staff_agreement/preliminaries/definition s)http://www.hr.uwa.edu.au/agreements/general/general_staff_agreement/preliminaries/definition s –Research Grant: An award to an academic or professional staff member to support his/her ongoing research interest. Normally there are no, or only very few, conditions associated with the award. The researcher is free to decide on the course of his/her research and to use the funds accordingly subject only to the general conditions of the sponsor and the policies of the University. (http://www.athabascau.ca/policy/research/preambleanddefinitions.htm)

6 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 6 Funding Workshop Funding: definition –Research Grant: An award to an academic or professional staff member to support his/her ongoing research interest. Normally there are no, or only very few, conditions associated with the award. The researcher is free to decide on the course of his/her research and to use the funds accordingly subject only to the general conditions of the sponsor and the policies of the University. (http://www.athabascau.ca/policy/research/preambleanddefinitions.htm)http://www.athabascau.ca/policy/research/preambleanddefinitions.htm –Research Grant: an award made in support of an empirical study. (Manchester college) –Grant: As used by JUST GRANTS ARIZONA, the word “grant” refers to a sum of money given to support the work of an agency, organization, or (occasionally) individual, usually as a result of a formal decision-making process involving a written or oral presentation and review. Grants are distinct from loans in that they are given outright, with no conditions for repayment. –Grant A type of financial assistance awarded to an organization for the conduct of research or other program as specified in an approved proposal. A grant, as opposed to a cooperative agreement, is used whenever the awarding office anticipates no substantial programmatic involvement with the recipient during the performance of the activities. (UCLA)proposalcooperative agreement –A more or less structured mechanism for resources allocation to research activities. (FRIS programme)

7 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 7 Funding Workshop Definitions So far there is no explicit definition of the concept in CERIF Proposal for discussion “A Funding Programme is the source of financial means to a project, programme, equipment, event or any other structured scientific activity*. A Funding Programme is managed by a Funding Organisation.” * Structured scientific activity: scientific activity with defined scope: content and time wise

8 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 8 Funding Workshop Definitions and scope The Funding Organisations –The Funding Organisation manages the Funding Programme –The Funding Organisations is the grantor of the grant from the Funding Programme budget to the grantee. The grant –The grant is the amount of financial resources transferred to the grantee. –The grantee is the recipient of the grant. –The grantee can be a person, a project, an organisational unit,… –The Funding Programme is generally known by its name. –The grant can be associated with specific conditions on the spending and/or timing.

9 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 9 Funding Workshop Definitions and scope The Funding Programme –The Funding Programme has a name –The Funding Programme can be part of a Funding Programme structure –The Funding Programme has a budget, expressed in a currency –The Funding Programme works with an application calendar (funding cycle) –The Funding Programme has application criteria Age related Position related Nationality Qualification Thematic and geographical coverage Budget size Activity –Project, event, equipment, travel, prototyping, networking…

10 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 10 Funding Workshop Funding Cycle Range of time during which proposals are accepted, reviewed, and funds are awarded. If a sponsor has standing proposal review committees (or boards) that meet at specified times during the year, application deadlines are set to correspond with those meetings. For some sponsors, if proposals are received too late to be considered in the current funding cycle, they may be held over for the next review meeting (i.e., National Science Foundation's Target Dates).proposalssponsor National Science Foundation's

11 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 11 Funding Workshop A Fact Project A recieves funding from the Research Communities programme of the FWO for a period of 4 years, starting on the 1st of May 2009. The project budget for that period is 480.000 euro and the Research Communities program is the principal funding source. For statistics and other purposes we use code 7013 to identify the FWO Research Communities programme

12 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 12 Funding Workshop Verbalization A fact –Project A recieves funding from the Research Communities porgramme of the FWO for a period of 4 years, starting on the 1st of May 2009. Project A recieves 480.000 euro and the Research Communities program is the principal funding source. For statistics and other purposes we use code 7013 to identify the FWO Research Communities programme. Basic facts

13 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 13 Funding Workshop A case A funding resource has a name but we always refer to the funding resources by its unique code A funding resource has a budget in euro The general information can be found in the description of the funding resource, which can be in available in different languages Some of the characteristics of a funding resource are expressed with keywords In order to categorise the funding resources we attribute different classifications to them. E.g. Science domains, geographical coverage,… A funding resource is valid during a certain period There can be web resources available for the funding resource, e.g. webpages A funding resource is often part of a more complex funding scheme

14 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 14 Funding Workshop Funding - Object

15 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 15 Funding Workshop FundingProgramme CERIF2006 FundingProgramme has FundingProgrammeId FundingProgramme has Valid Period –Valid Period is between StartDate and EndDate FundingProgramme has Budget expressed in known Currency FundingProgramme has Name expressed in known Language and Translation FundingProgramme has Description expressed known Language and Translation FundingProgramme has Keywords expressed in known Language and Translation FundingProgramme has Classification FundingProgramme has URI FundingProgramme is related to FundingProgramme

16 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 16 Funding Workshop Funding_Programme CERIF2006

17 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 17 Funding Workshop Funding & CERIF objects

18 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 18 Funding Workshop

19 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 19 Funding Workshop Funding & CERIF objects

20 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 20 Funding Workshop User perspective The Funding Organisation Funding Programme structure Funding Programme budget sources Application criteria –Thematic –Qualification Educational: Pre-doc, Post-doc Position: tenure, principal investigator,.. –Geographical coverage –Nationality –Size –Time coverage: short vs. long term –Evaluation criteria –Organisational coverage: personal, simple project, multi team project –Research type: fundamental, applied, prototype development –Financing schemes: single source, co-financing (private, institutional),… The funding cycle –Calls, application deadlines Review boards Workflow: status of Calls and proposals

21 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 21 Funding Workshop Funding Organisation Case

22 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 22 Funding Workshop User perspective The Researcher Funding Calender –List by deadlines feature Themes –List only relevant funding opportunities Relevance based on expert profile Search/categorize on –eligibility criteria –Experience level: pre-doc, doc, post-doc, junior faculty member, senior scientist,… –Funding organization type: governmental, (different levels), private, charity,… –Research themes/subjects –Activity: project, prototype development, equipment, networking, event organisation, –Funding instrument type: Grant, collaborative agreement, procurement, Information push based on profiles –Expert –Supervisor –…

23 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 23 Funding Workshop Researcher

24 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 24 Funding Workshop Researcher

25 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 25 Funding Workshop User perspectives The Research Manager Funding Calendar –List by deadlines Themes –List only relevant funding opportunities Relevance based on organisation profile Report on grants by –Themes: disciplines, application domain, geographical coverage –Researchers –Financial volume –FTe’s involved –Budget: Project budget, allocated amounts and spending divided between running costs, investment, personnel, overhead, through time Report on success rate of own researchers Link inputs to outputs –Publications per grant/project Calculate output costs

26 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 26 Funding Workshop Research Manager Case

27 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 27 Funding Workshop User perspective The Policy Maker Compliance with regional, national, European (eurostat, 3% norm) and international (OECD) statistical obligation. –E.g.: Project budget, allocated amounts and spending divided between running costs, investment, personnel, overhead, through time Measure spending rate Distribution across: –Disciplines and other classifications –Geographical coverage Direct link between economic bookkeeping rules and project spending Input vs. output

28 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 28 Funding Workshop Policy maker Case A Project receives a Grant from a Funding Programme The grant consist of specific amounts for –Personnel –Investments –Running cost –Overhead Spending rates of the grant amounts can be defined

29 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 29 Funding Workshop Policy maker Case

30 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 30 Funding Workshop

31 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 31 Funding Workshop FRIS model

32 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 32 Funding Workshop FRIS case 20106 7010 P iwProjectFundingProgrammeRole 2005-01-01T00:00:00 2007-12-31T00:00:00 168900 20106 7010 PK iwProject_FundProgBudgetType 2005-01-01T00:00:00 2007-12-31T00:00:00 161400 - 20106 7010 PKB iwProject_FundProgBudgetType 2005-01-01T00:00:00 2007-12-31T00:00:00 161400 -

33 © Geert Van Grootel & Brigitte Jörg May 11th, 2009 in Athens, Greece 33 Funding Workshop Discussion Conclusion Actions

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