Expressions of forms and shapes:​ art and adjectives A reflection by: Noor Sengupta.

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Presentation on theme: "Expressions of forms and shapes:​ art and adjectives A reflection by: Noor Sengupta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expressions of forms and shapes:​ art and adjectives A reflection by: Noor Sengupta

2 OVERVIEW We worked with close to 25 different materials or the span of 5 weeks.​ we tried to understand the difference between:​ – medium and media​ – art and design​ we worked on both large scale and small scale.​ we were introduced to larger concepts such a:​ – upcycling ​ – INTENT in art or design We where constantly pushed to do more and I loved every minutes of it. It was an incredible amount of hands on work and very satisfying at that. I have come to a place where a feel a little more connected to art and design.

3 Week 1​ ​ Wall Painting ​ We kicked of the course with the concept of up cycling; wherein you take waste material and use it to create something else entirely. ​ We created two pieces:​ A wall painting done with scrape pieces of cloth, and later painted the background with clay.​ A mural; created by using waste bottles (along with other materials such as, wood and cloth.

4 Process Pictures


6 Week 2 & 3​ ​ Papier Mache ​ Next we worked with papier Mache, which was a mixture of clay, newspaper and water.​ We where given pipes and asked to create anything we wanted.​ My group worked on a werid hybrid which we named Millie.

7 Process Pictures

8 Week 4​ ​ Set building Next we created a set to fit in all our fantastical creatures. we used a lot of clay to create interesting landscapes. We also created painting influenced by the idea of childhood fantasy. For which we used massive amounts of waste newspaper, maida glue and distemper. I worked a lot with cloth. We dyed the cloth into various colours. To create the entrance to the set.

9 Week 5​ ​ Stop Motion Finally we created a stop motion film incorporating everything we had made so far. My wire model did not have time to be clayed up. So I used it in its raw form We were moving from physically produce art to digitally produced art, changing medium to media. My piece is about an exaggerated version of an existing stereotype.


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