Charting Cosmic Flows into the Zone of Avoidance: The Overdensity in Vela R. Kraan-Korteweg, T. Jarrett, M. Cluver, M. Bilicki, H. Jones, M. Colless.

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Presentation on theme: "Charting Cosmic Flows into the Zone of Avoidance: The Overdensity in Vela R. Kraan-Korteweg, T. Jarrett, M. Cluver, M. Bilicki, H. Jones, M. Colless."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charting Cosmic Flows into the Zone of Avoidance: The Overdensity in Vela R. Kraan-Korteweg, T. Jarrett, M. Cluver, M. Bilicki, H. Jones, M. Colless

2 The Local Universe Panoramic view of the entire near-infrared sky reveals the distribution of galaxies beyond the Milky Way. The image is derived from the 2MASS Extended Source Catalog (XSC)--more than 1.5 million galaxies, and the Point Source Catalog (PSC)--nearly 0.5 billion Milky Way stars. The map is projected with an equal area Aitoff in the Galactic system (Milky Way at center). Jarrett 2004

3 The Local Universe Panoramic view of the entire near-infrared sky reveals the distribution of galaxies beyond the Milky Way. The image is derived from the 2MASS Extended Source Catalog (XSC)--more than 1.5 million galaxies, and the Point Source Catalog (PSC)--nearly 0.5 billion Milky Way stars. The map is projected with an equal area Aitoff in the Galactic system (Milky Way at center). Jarrett 2004

4 Vela Overdensity Galaxies observed behind the Hydra-Antlia-Vela region of the Milky Way, projected in Galactic coordinates. The cyan dots are the on-sky distribution of galaxies with known redshifts between 16000 and 22000 km/s from the 6dFGS. The blue stars indicate where two CIZA galaxy clusters are found.

5 Vela Overdensity

6 Observations/Strategy  AAT: AAOMEGA  SALT: RSS-MOS --- target high extinction regions where the AAT lacks the mojo  2MRS: J. Huchra Legacy: Lucas Macri (UT A/M) Spectra Spectro-Imaging (multi-lambda)  WISE & VISTA (photozs)  Pathfinders (WALLABY)

7 SALT Observations RSS-MOS: 10 masks targeted 40% Data Acquired to Date Huge Thanks to: Alexei Kniazev, Petri Vaisanen & David Gilbank

8 SALT Observations

9 One Target Field (Block): Exposure: 375 sec Visits: 2

10 SALT Reductions RSS-MOS Data Reduction: 0. inputs: “mbxgp” 2-D spectral cubes (2 in total), wavelength calibration “arc” -- Argon, RSMT file (target coords) 1.Python Script (D. Gilbank): apply wavelength calibration, extract slit-lits, create indiv. fits files 2.Clean cosmic rays (python script, see next page) 3. combine (2) epochs 4.Improve wavelength calibration using skylines and cubic fit 5.Extract 1-D spectrum: collapse spatial info, remove local sky 6.Determine redshift

11 SALT Reductions LACosmic – python script based on Pieter van Dokkum's L.A.Cosmic algorithmPieter van Dokkum's L.A.Cosmic algorithm c = cosmics.cosmicsimage(array, gain=2.2, readnoise=10.0, sigclip = 4.0, sigfrac = 0.3, objlim = 3.0)

12 Beware !

13 SALT Observations Yellow == (skewed) sky lines; blue == desired sky line locations

14 Deflection (Angstrom) versus Wavelength

15 SALT Observations Yellow == (skewed) sky lines; blue == desired sky line locations

16 SALT Results



19 4 MOS Fields -- ~ 40 target galaxies 3 emission lines detected 21 absorption line systems

20 SALT Results Even this tiny amount of data indicates that the SALT redshift results are very encouraging – targeted galaxies appear to belong to the overdensities painted by our multi- datasets, bridging the ZoA. This suggests that the Local Universe great attractors might be connected on an unprecedented scale – in the form of an enormous ring/shell of galaxies/filaments/clusters/superclusters. This poten- tially massive overdensity might provide the missing clue in the unsettled dipole results.

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