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Review ASP Server controls: Labels, Buttons, Textboxes HTML tables Images and Hyperlinks Validator controls DropDownList ViewState variables Session variables.

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Presentation on theme: "Review ASP Server controls: Labels, Buttons, Textboxes HTML tables Images and Hyperlinks Validator controls DropDownList ViewState variables Session variables."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review ASP Server controls: Labels, Buttons, Textboxes HTML tables Images and Hyperlinks Validator controls DropDownList ViewState variables Session variables Session.Abandon() page.IsPostBack

2 Preview CheckBox RadioButton ListBox RadioButtonList AccessDataSource control.DataBind() ds.Select() DataView object dv.RowFilter dv(i) DataRowView object drv(“name”)

3 control.Font properties Size Italic Bold Name

4 control.Font.Size property with FontUnit value that defines the size of the control’s Font

5 FontUnit(size) constructor used to define size of font, where size is an Integer

6 control.Font.Italic Boolean property indicating whether the control’s Font is Italic

7 control.Font.Bold Boolean property indicating whether the control’s Font is Bold

8 control.Font.Name String property specifying the name of the control’s Font family

9 control.AutoPostBack Boolean property indicating whether the control will cause a post back.

10 rbl.SelectedItem property of type ListItem referring to the RadioButtonList item selected by the user.

11 listitem.Text listitem.Value properties of the ListItem object

12 ListItem(“item”,value) Constructs a ListItem object with the specified text and value

13 control.Items.Add(listitem) Add method of the Items collection of the RadioButtonList adds the specified ListItem object

14 control.DataBind() Copies values from data source to server control.

15 ds.Select() Method of the AccessDataSource control that returns a DataView object.

16 DataView Represents a view of a data table in a data source. Also a collection of DataRowView objects.

17 dv.RowFilter Property of the DataView object (dv) used to filter rows. Similar to condition of the WHERE clause a SQL Select statement.

18 DataRowView An object type that represents a single row of data in a DataView

19 dv(i) Refers to an individual element (a row) of the DataView object dv

20 drv(“name”) Refers to an the value of a column in the DataRowView object, drv.

21 Data Table DataView, dv DataRowView, drv drv(“name”) dv(0)

22 If Not IsPostBack Then DataBind() End If Dim dv As DataView = CType(ds.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), DataView) dv.RowFilter = “ID = '" & ddlControl.SelectedValue & "'" Dim drv As DataRowView = dv(0) lblField1.Text = drv(“colname1”) lblField2.Text = drv(“colname2”) lblField3.Text = drv(“colname3”)

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