1 Peter 4:16 Acts 26:28 Acts 11:26 A Christian is someone who is united with Christ ( Rom.6:4-11; Gal.2:20 ) A Christian is someone who is a member of.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Peter 4:16 Acts 26:28 Acts 11:26 A Christian is someone who is united with Christ ( Rom.6:4-11; Gal.2:20 ) A Christian is someone who is a member of."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Peter 4:16 Acts 26:28 Acts 11:26 A Christian is someone who is united with Christ ( Rom.6:4-11; Gal.2:20 ) A Christian is someone who is a member of Christ’s church ( Eph.1:22-23; 5:23 ) A Christian is someone who is a new creation (having been given a new life; 2 Cor.5:17; 1 Pet.1:22-25 )

2 1 Peter 4:16 Acts 26:28 Acts 11:26 I s America a Christian nation? A re Christians just good people? A re there Christians in all the different churches? QUESTIONS THAT ARE RAISED ABOUT WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A CHRISTIAN

3 B elieve in Jesus as God’s Son ( John 8:24 ) Turn from your sins ( Acts 17:30-31 ) Confess your faith in Christ ( Matt.10:32-33 ) Be baptized for the remission of sins ( Acts 2:38 ) Live a faithful Christian life ( 1 Cor.15:58 ) To Be Restored To Salvation T urn from your sins ( Acts 8:22 ) C onfess your sins to God and pray for forgiveness ( 1 John 1:9; Acts 8:22 ) 1 Peter 4:16 Acts 26:28 Acts 11:26

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