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The Sun and the Eight Planets At the center of our Solar System is the Sun.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sun and the Eight Planets At the center of our Solar System is the Sun."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Sun and the Eight Planets

3 At the center of our Solar System is the Sun.

4 The Sun is almost 900,000 miles in diameter.

5 About 115 Earth’s could fit across the Sun.

6 Here’s a picture of Venus in front of the Sun.

7 Video of the Transit of VenusVideo of the Transit of Venus.

8 The Rocky Planets

9 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.

10 It is the smallest planet in the Solar System.

11 MercuryMercury.

12 Venus is the 2 nd planet from the Sun & the 6 th largest planet in the Solar System.

13 Earth is the 3 rd planet and the 5 th largest planet.

14 Mars is the 4 th planet from the Sun and the 7 th largest.

15 Questions about MarsQuestions about Mars. Why is Mars RedWhy is Mars Red?

16 Characteristics of Rocky Planets: Small (less than 8,500 miles in diameter). Long days (24 hours to 243 days).

17 Characteristics of Rocky Planets: Short years (2 years to 88 days). Few moons (Mars -2; Earth – 1; Mercury & Venus -0).

18 The Gas Giants

19 Jupiter is the 5 th planet from the Sun and the largest planet.

20 Jupiter’s own little Solar SystemJupiter’s own little Solar System. Jupiter’s Red SpotJupiter’s Red Spot.

21 Saturn is the 6 th planet from the Sun and the 2 nd largest.

22 Wonders of the Solar System – SaturnWonders of the Solar System – Saturn.

23 Uranus is the 7 th planet from the Sun and the 3 rd largest.

24 Rings of UranusRings of Uranus.

25 Neptune is the 8 th planet from the Sun and the 4 th largest planet.

26 Neptune’s stormsNeptune’s storms.

27 Characteristics of the Gas Giants. Short days – 10 hours to 17 hours. Large – 88,000 miles to 30,000 miles.

28 Characteristics of the Gas Giants. Many moons – 27 to 63. Long years – 12 years to 165 years.

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