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Module 1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good Workbook answers.

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1 Module 1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good Workbook answers

2 Language practice Part A1 (Page 102) 1 a accepted b follow 2 a caused b made 3 a damage b hurt 4 a eats b dieting

3 Part A2 (Page 102) 1 are popular 2 work out 3 be ashamed of 4 is dying to 5 recover from 6 is going on a diet 7 follow my advice

4 Part B1 (Page 103) 1 in 2 in 3 of 4 into 5 at 6 of 7 as 8 for / to 9 with 10 of

5 Part B2 (Page 103) 1 a 欧洲的一些大学每年设有三个学期。 b 这个计划短期内似乎不错,但从长远来看, 它会增加我们的成本。 2 a 毕业后, 她去了一家银行工作。 b 你知道怎样使用这个咖啡机吗? c 医生给我的那些药片不管用。

6 Part B2 (Page 103) 3 a 老师仔细地清点了学生的人数,以确保没人缺席。 b 我把玛丽看作我最好的朋友。 c 我相信快乐比挣钱更重要。 4 a 他们不知道到哪里去吃饭。我推荐了我办公室隔 壁的意大利餐厅。 b 他看着我的样子表明他不相信我说的话。

7 Part C1 (Page 104) 1 If you take a walk around the city, you will find some teenagers who are overweight. 2 You might often see overweight boys and girls, which means that weight gain among young people has become a big problem. 3 I think there are two main reasons why so many boys and girls are overweight.

8 Part C1 (Page 104) 4 Some teenagers, who like to play computer games or watch TV in their free time, don't do enough exercise. 5 Some other teenagers like eating in fast food restaurants, which you can see everywhere. 6 There is a Keep Fit Summer Camp in our city. where overweight teenagers can take exercise and learn to have a healthy diet.

9 Part C2 (Page 104) 1 has she 2 didn't they 3 will it 4 hasn't he 5 does she 6 won't they 7 did they 8 could he 9 shall we 10 will you

10 Part D1 (Page 105) 1 popular 2 exercise 3 control 4 regular 5 skip 6 who 7 overweight 8 advice 9 cost 10 especially 11 cause

11 Part D2 (Page 105) 1 When they reach the age of 16 children in the USA can prepare to take their driving test, can't they? 2 Those who have tried this medicine know best about its side effects. 3 The war caused oild prices to rise allover the world, didn't it? 4 When she was lying in hospital, she regretted not following her mother's advice.

12 Part D2 (Page 105) 5 It is important to know how to get on with others when you enter into society. 6 Regular exercise helps the film star get into shape and keep slim figure. 7 They thought that it was my first visit to the city. As a matter of fact, I had lived here for two years. 8 Children like reading Harry Potter, and do many adults.

13 Reading Part A (Page 106) 1 According to the world health reports. 2 Until recently, the Japanese had never been known as people who enjoy long life.

14 Reading Part A (Page 106) 3 They eat less food, very little fat and a lot of fish and other foods that are good for the heart. They also drink a lot of green tea. 4 They often go to the doctor for small problems that people in many other countries might not worry about. 5 We should all try a healthy diet and make sure that we get enough exercise.

15 Part B (Page 107) 1 Scientist are beginning to believe that some people receive the ability to stay thin from their parents. 2 When they eat, their bodies store the energy from food as fat. These people gain weight if they eat more than they need to to each day.

16 Part B (Page 107) 3 Because more and more people have weight problems, which can cause serious illnesses. 4 They hope to produce medicines that can stop people from gaining weight because they store too much fat. 5 They should exercise and eat a good diet.

17 Listening Parts A and B (Page 108) Dad: 1 cook 2 dangerous 3 less active 4 more around 5 health problems 6 eat too much Doctor: 7 bread 8 cake 9 diet 10 vegetables 11 meat 12 exercise

18 Part C (Page 108) 1 dangerous 2 active 3 health problems 4 diet 5 vegetables 6 meat 7 exercise

19 Writing Part B (Page 109) Liangliang is no longer the boy he used to be --- he has changed a lot. Only a year ago, he was overweight and a little lazy. He often got tired and did not like sport. His favorite meal was fried chicken and chips.

20 Writing Part B (Page 109) One day, he realized that he couldn't contine like this. So, he decided to change. He started to exercise. He ran in the school playground every day. He also began eating a healthier diet of more fruit and vegetables, and less meat. These changes helped him lose a lot of weight. He is now a very happy boy in very good shape, and always feels energetic.

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