1 Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes February 22, 2009 Rev. Barry Yates.

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1 1 Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes February 22, 2009 Rev. Barry Yates

2 2 “I’ve Got No Self-Control” Galatians 5:19-24 NIV What Does it Take to be like Jesus? Part 8 Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes – February 22, 2009

3 3 The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. Galatians 5:19-21 Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes – February 22, 2009

4 4 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self- control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Galatians 5:22-24 Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes – February 22, 2009

5 5 When the Control Button is “Off” in the World: Introductory Statements: 1.Our society is _____________ out of control. Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes – February 22, 2009 2.Our society is ______________ out of control. FINANCIALLY PHYSICALLY 3.Our society is ______________ out of control. EMOTIONALLY 4.Our society is ______________ out of control. MORALLY

6 6 When the Control Button is “Off” in YOU: 1._____________. Proverbs 29:11 NIV 2._____________. Proverbs 21:20 Msg ANGER SPENDING 3._____________. Proverbs 23:4 NCV AMBITION Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes – February 22, 2009

7 7 Where do we Start? 1._____________. Psalm 1:2-3 NIV 2._____________. John 15:44-45 NKJV MEDITATION ABIDING Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes – February 22, 2009

8 8 Self-Control is when you are so filled with and led by the Holy Spirit that the way you act, or react in any given situation glorifies God and edifies others. Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes – February 22, 2009

9 9 Though we will never experience freedom _______ self, we must have freedom _________ self. Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes – February 22, 2009

10 10 1.Self- ____________ is dangerous. Three Types of “Selfs” CONFIDENCE Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes – February 22, 2009 “Alas, I have civilized my subjects, I have conquered other nations; yet have I not been able to civilize and conquer MYSELF.” Peter the Great

11 11 The Results of “SELF”: 1._____________. Galatians 5:19 2._____________. Galatians 5:19b IMMORALITY INDECENCY 3._____________. Galations 5:20 IDOLATRY 3._____________. Galations 5:21 INIQUITY Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes – February 22, 2009

12 12 2.Self- ____________ is demanded. Three Types of “Selfs” CRUCIFIXION A. There is only one-way to bring self under control: _______ _________ ________. IT MUSTDIE B. Self dies _____________. Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes – February 22, 2009 HARD

13 13 “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who lives, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” Galatians 2:20 NASV Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes – February 22, 2009

14 14 “Self is one of the toughest plants that grows in the garden of life. It is, in fact, indestructible by any human means. Just when we are sure it is dead, it turns up somewhere as robust as ever to trouble our peace and poison the fruit of our lives. Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes – February 22, 2009

15 15 “The victorious Christian neither exalts nor downgrades himself. His interests have shifted from self to Christ. What he is, or is not, no longer concerns him. He believes that he has been crucified with Christ, and he is not willing to either praise nor deprecate such a man.” A.W.Tozer Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes – February 22, 2009

16 16 3.Self- ____________ is a delight. Three Types of “Selfs” CONTROL A. Self-control is not a _______, it is a ________. WORK WALK Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes – February 22, 2009

17 17 Three Types of “Selfs” B. You cannot control self from _________. Self can only be controlled from ________. WITHOUT WITHIN C. Self-control is achieved by _____________ to the Spirit’s control. SURRENDER Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes – February 22, 2009

18 18 “Self-Control is the difference between victory and defeat in the game of Life. Those who control self – win; those who don’t lose.” Dr. James Merritt Carolinas Cornerstone Sermon Notes – February 22, 2009

19 19 Carolinas Cornerstone February 22, 2009

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