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Lecture 3: 18/4/1435 Searching for solutions. Lecturer/ Kawther Abas 363CS – Artificial Intelligence.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 3: 18/4/1435 Searching for solutions. Lecturer/ Kawther Abas 363CS – Artificial Intelligence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 3: 18/4/1435 Searching for solutions. Lecturer/ Kawther Abas 363CS – Artificial Intelligence

2 Problem Solving Agents Problem solving agent –A kind of “goal based” agent –Finds sequences of actions that lead to desirable states. The algorithms are uninformed –No extra information about the problem other than the definition No extra information No heuristics (rules)

3 Goal Based Agent Environment Percepts Actions What the world is like now Sensors Actuators What action I should do now Goals State How the world evolves What my actions do What it will be like if I do action A

4 Goal Based Agents Assumes the problem environment is: –Static The plan remains the same –Observable Agent knows the initial state –Discrete Agent can enumerate the choices –Deterministic Agent can plan a sequence of actions such that each will lead to an intermediate state The agent carries out its plans with its eyes closed –Certain of what’s going on –Open loop system

5 Well Defined Problems and Solutions A problem –Initial state –Actions and Successor Function –Goal test –Path cost

6 Searching For Solutions Initial State Successor Function Goal Test Path Cost

7 Searching For Solutions Having formulated some problems…how do we solve them? Search through a state space Use a search tree that is generated with an initial state and successor functions that define the state space

8 Searching For Solutions A state is (a representation of) a physical configuration A node is a data structure constituting part of a search tree –Includes parent, children, depth, path cost States do not have children, depth, or path cost The EXPAND function creates new nodes, filling in the various fields and using the SUCCESSOR function of the problem to create the corresponding states

9 Problem types 1) Deterministic, fully observable Agent knows exactly which state it will be in; solution is a sequence of actions. 2) Non-observable --- sensorless problem –Agent may have no idea where it is (no sensors); it reasons in terms of belief states; solution is a sequence actions (effects of actions certain). 3) Nondeterministic and/or partially observable: contingency problem –Actions uncertain, percepts provide new information about current state (adversarial problem if uncertainty comes from other agents). 4) Unknown state space and uncertain action effects: exploration problem -- Solution is a “strategy” to reach the goal (end explore environment). Increasing complexity

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