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GDB Meeting - 10 June 2003 ATLAS Offline Software David R. Quarrie Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

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1 GDB Meeting - 10 June 2003 ATLAS Offline Software David R. Quarrie Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory DRQuarrie@LBL.Gov

2 David R. Quarrie: ATLAS Offline Software GDB Meeting - 10 June 2003 2 ATLAS is in closing stages of transition from FORTRAN- based software to C++ based For DC-0 & DC-1 simulation was based on Geant3 For DC-2 it will be based on Geant4  ATLAS has been very active in validating Geant4 Common Framework (Athena) based on collaboration with LHCb First version of C++ reconstruction in place  Used in Level 2 and Event Filter as well as offline  First major design iteration underway  Functionality and robustness are already good (>10 6 events in DC-2)  Performance in some areas needs work Software Overview

3 David R. Quarrie: ATLAS Offline Software Status 3 Athena Architecture diagram ConverterAlgorithmEvent Data Service Persistency Service Data Files Algorithm Transient Event Store Detec. Data Service Persistency Service Data Files Transient Detector Store Message Service JobOptions Service Particle Prop. Service Other Services Histogram Service Persistency Service Data Files Transient Histogram Store Application Manager Converter

4 David R. Quarrie: ATLAS Offline Software GDB Meeting - 10 June 2003 4 Based on concepts of Components Services, Algorithms and Tools Highly modular and flexible Good mapping to GRID services Based on abstract interfaces - no direct coupling with algorithms Compatible with non-GRID environment (e.g. laptop) Integration with interactive scripting language (Python) Athena

5 David R. Quarrie: ATLAS Offline Software GDB Meeting - 10 June 2003 5 CVS repository ~530 packages grouped in ~15 major groupings  Simulation, Reconstruction, Inner Detector, Muon Spectrometer, etc. A total of 50 external (interface packages) in use Not all correspond to actual ATLAS-external packages Currently we do full release builds Nightly (every night with a 1 week lifetime) Developer (every 3 weeks) Production (3-6 months, correlated with major milestones) We’re investigating partial builds (Core, Reconstruction, etc.) Software Organization

6 David R. Quarrie: ATLAS Offline Software GDB Meeting - 10 June 2003 6 Three distribution kits desired Full  Ability to rebuild all ATLAS software from sources Analysis  Binaries, shared libraries and header files supporting compilation of packages for physics analysis Binary  Binaries and shared libraries for execution only Full and Binary achieved so far Analysis still being worked on Basic infrastructure support is almost in place Software Distribution (1/2)

7 David R. Quarrie: ATLAS Offline Software GDB Meeting - 10 June 2003 7 A recurring problem is compatibility with external software e.g. POOL/SEAL need their own set of external software (e.g. Boost) Still grappling with obvious (e.g. incompatible versions) and not so obvious (e.g. compilation/configuration flags) problems This is still an area requiring more work to minimize ATLAS-specific external packages and take advantage of e.g. LCG common installations Software Distribution (2/2)

8 David R. Quarrie: ATLAS Offline Software Status 8 POOL ATLAS providing components of POOL First experiment to implement POOL support Integration underway - goal is to have support for POOL by July SEAL Plug-in manager  Integration into Athena Q3 2003 Data Dictionary  Integrated into Athena now  Developing Python support PI Integrate ROOT implementation of AIDA API Q3 2003 ATLAS & LCG Applications Area

9 David R. Quarrie: ATLAS Offline Software GDB Meeting - 10 June 2003 9 LCG Component Integration POOL/SEAL Geant4 Integration Pile-up Infrastructure in place All detectors supported Detector Description Integration Reconstruction and G4 Simulation from common geometry Calibration/alignment infrastructure in place Begin to incorporate feedback from Reco Task Force New Reco EDM Release 7.0.0 - 31 July 2003

10 David R. Quarrie: ATLAS Offline Software GDB Meeting - 10 June 2003 10 Dual targets DC-2 (Q2-Q3 2004) Combined Testbeams (Q2-Q3 2004) A major focus is consolidation from 7.0.0 Robustness, house-cleaning Performance G4 validated for production Full integration from RecoTaskForce designs/recommendations Interactive as well as batch  Replacement of jobOptions files by Python scripts GRID integration Release 8.0.0 (Feb 2004)

11 David R. Quarrie: ATLAS Offline Software GDB Meeting - 10 June 2003 11 Multiple prototypes developed in conjunction with data challenges Both European and USA Magda, AMI, Grappa, etc. Some overlapping functionality, but necessary to explore Distributed Physics Analysis Projects developing GANGA, DIAL, Chimera Goal is to bring these under a coherent umbrella by end of Q3 2003 ready for DC-2 GRID Projects

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