Jacques Cartier 1534-1541. Early Years  Born in France in 1491  1534 he became a sea captain.  Encouraged to explore by the voyage of Giovanni Verrazano.

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1 Jacques Cartier 1534-1541

2 Early Years  Born in France in 1491  1534 he became a sea captain.  Encouraged to explore by the voyage of Giovanni Verrazano.  Visited North America, Quebec, and Montreal.  Cartier died Sep.1 1557, Wednesday morning at 5 o’clock.

3 Exploration  Explored to find gold and other diamonds and jewels.  Cartier’s sponsoring country is France.  Also explored to claim land for France.  Traveled through Labrador, St. Lawrence River, Sagenay River.  First voyage he used the route of John Cabot.  Cartier claimed the St. Lawrence River for France.

4 Map  Explored between 1534 to 1541.

5 Encounters with Natives  Cartier met a tribe of Natives called the Micmacs and traded with them.  Cartier also met a group of Iroquois called the Hurons who helped guide him through the area.  With their help he reached the sites of today’s Quebec and Montreal.  The Huron chief, Donnacona and other natives told Cartier of gold and other treasure.  Cartier kidnapped Donnacona and his sons and took them back to France as interpreters.

6 Interesting Facts  While exploring he wrote down very important things for future maps.  Most of his men had scurvy.  Scurvy is a sickness made by a lack of vitamin c.  After Cartier died he still believed that St. Lawrence led to China.

7 Credits  By: Macy Hawkins and Brook Lohse  http://www.visitusa.com/newyork/rivers/index.htm http://www.visitusa.com/newyork/rivers/index.htm  http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/art- 55265/Jacques-Cartier http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/art- 55265/Jacques-Cartier http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/art- 55265/Jacques-Cartier  http://www.idea- international.org/default.aspx?l=2&p=80 http://www.idea- international.org/default.aspx?l=2&p=80 http://www.idea- international.org/default.aspx?l=2&p=80  http://www.allposters.com/-st/Explorer- Posters_c12541_p3_.htm

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