1 Workshop on Hyperspectral Sensor Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and Atmospheric Soundings from Environmental Satellites Atmospheric Soundings from Environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Workshop on Hyperspectral Sensor Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and Atmospheric Soundings from Environmental Satellites Atmospheric Soundings from Environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Workshop on Hyperspectral Sensor Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and Atmospheric Soundings from Environmental Satellites Atmospheric Soundings from Environmental Satellites Co-organizers: NOAA and NASA civilian space agencies of the U.S. Government and the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) - serving 26 member states (Dedicated to Moustafa Chahine, JPL Chief Scientist, AIRS science team lead, who passed away 3/24/2011) (Dedicated to Moustafa Chahine, JPL Chief Scientist, AIRS science team lead, who passed away 3/24/2011) March 29-31, 2011 Key Biscayne, Miami FL University of Miami Rosentiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science campus, adjacent to NOAA AOML research Lab Roger Heymann,PE Engineering staff NOAA NESDIS USA

2 2  Welcome to this satellite hosted hyperspectral sensor workshop, meeting, technical exchange among nations’ governments with its environmental applications directed to GHGs, atmospheric chemistry, weather forecasts.  Atmospheric chemistry, weather forecasting, Green house gases, that is the evolution of this sensors’ development, applications and world government space missions, for civilian environmental operations  We are here to discuss these government satellite missions research and operations through your invited papers  Welcome to the U.S., its City of Miami FL  My name is Roger Heymann and I am on the NOAA NESDIS engineering staff for advanced satellite system planning. I am a co-creator and co-organizer of this workshop with others.  The other workshop partner co-creators, co-organizers are: o Mitch Goldberg - NOAA- NESDIS o Bob Atlas – NOAA-OAR- AOML research lab of Key Biscayne, Miami FL o Ken Jucks – NASA Headquarters o Rosemary Munro – EUMETSAT and its 26 member states o Chris Barnet – NOAA- NESDIS

3 3  Our NOAA host for this workshop is the NOAA OAR Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorology Laboratory (AOML), a research Lab, and its Director Dr Robert Atlas. AOML’s building is immediately across Rickenbacker Causeway from our meeting  We are using the campus facilities of the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science for our meeting. We are all guests of the university’s facilities and we thank the university for allowing us to be here. It is a private university. We are here in Key Biscayne to highlight our NESDIS collaboration with AOML  I am a guest to the city of Miami as many of you are, my NOAA office and home is in MD near Washington DC.  Workshop started as NOAA cross Line Office coordination between NESDIS and OAR AOML research Lab. Expanded to NASA Headquarters and EUMETSAT as co-organizers.  Workshop by its invited attendees has evolved to a meeting of world nation Governments- almost all speakers represent their Governments  This meeting is viewed NOT as a science meeting, but a meeting one of governments to assist in their future hyperspectral satellite mission planning and operations, and of coordination among world Governments

4 4  Following Governments’ speakers participating beyond EUMETSAT Member States and U.S. are:  Belgium  Brazil  Canada  France  Germany  Japan  United Kingdom  How we will function:  We have 30 minute breaks, a cafeteria just outside our door  1 ½ hours for lunch, maybe take a walk, spend some time in Miami’s sun, talk, wireless access at university  Tonight-Tues arranged at Courtyard Marriott for bartender & open bar for ~1 hour for us to gather, buy drinks, talk, meet  Tomorrow- Wednesday night arranged group dinner at Rusty Pelican, $38 each person

5 1AIRS NASA/JPL USA Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Grating NASA Eos Aqua Sat ellite Weather forecasting greenhouse gases Climate research- trace greenhouse gases 2002 launch 234234 TES Mini TES: Thermal Emissions Spectrometer Mars robotic rover “SPIRIT ” NASA/JPL USA Tropospheric Emissions Spectrometer Thermal Emissions SpectrometerFTSFTSFTS Atmospheric chemistry NASA EOS AURA satellite Atmospheric chemistry mission O 3, CH 4, CO Earth observing Planetary observing Atmospheric chemistry Planetary observing Atmospheric chemistry 2004 launch 1996-2006 2004-2010 5ACE CSA Canada Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment, Science Satellite (SCISAT-1)FTS Atmospheric chemistry focus ozone depletion recovery 2003 launch MISSIONS’ HISTORY MULTI-NATION HYPERSPECTRAL SENSOR SATELLITE MISSIONS’ HISTORY History This History is foundation for this workshop and structure – a primary driver now for meeting is hyperspectral evolution to GOSAT and OCO GHG satellite missions 5

6 6MIPAS ESA MIPAS) Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS)FTS Atmospheric chemistry 2002 launch 7IASI EUMETSAT & CNES IASI) Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI)FTS METOP-A (POLAR ORBIT) Weather forecasting Weather forecasting and atmospheric chemistry- monitoring ozone, CH 4, CO CO 2 atmospheric chemistry- monitoring trace gases ozone, CH 4, CO global scale, CO 2 2006 launch 8TANSO- GOSAT Japan JAXA and NIES GOSAT) Thermal And Near infrared Sensor for carbon Observation” (TANSO)- Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT)FTS CO 2 CH 4 GHGs- carbon dioxide -CO 2 and methane - CH 4 2009 launch 9OCO-2 NASA JPL USA OCO ) Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO )grating CO 2 Future launch 10CrIS NOAA NASA USA CrIS Cross-Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS)FTS Weather forecasting climate monitoring Weather forecasting and climate monitoring 2011 on NPP satellite 6

7  With launch of Japan’s GOSAT TANSO FTS and upcoming JPL NASA OCO grating launch to measure GHGs, above table’s hyperspectral sensor missions of atmospheric chemistry with TES –FTS of JP//NASA/USA, SCICAT-ACE FTS of Canada, MIPAS FTS of ESA/Europe, weather forecasting with AIRS grating of JPL/NASA/USA, and IASI FTS of CNES/France/EUMETSAT ----- by nation Governments  A workshop by nation Governments on world nation Government launched satellite activities with hyperspectral sensors seemed needed by NOAA. And so NASA headquarters and EUMETSAT asked if such a meeting was to be developed could they co-organize such a meeting with NOAA  Thank you invited speakers and Governments for helping make this Meeting happen  And thank you to our International Affairs Off ices of NESDIS and EUMETSAT who helped through their coordination, to make this happen dedicate this meeting to Moustafa Chahine  And we dedicate this meeting to Moustafa Chahine 7

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