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SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 Passive Microwave Update Walt Meier PoDAG XXIV 3-4 Nov 2005, Asheville NC.

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Presentation on theme: "SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 Passive Microwave Update Walt Meier PoDAG XXIV 3-4 Nov 2005, Asheville NC."— Presentation transcript:

1 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 Passive Microwave Update Walt Meier PoDAG XXIV 3-4 Nov 2005, Asheville NC

2 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 Topics Reprocessing of SSM/I, 1987-1999 New Scatterometry and SWE products CDRs (ESDRs) for sea ice Transition to SSMIS? NISE F13/F15 comparison All About Sea Ice website Goddard NASA Team distribution now via ftp (no more CDs). FTP directories will be reorganized to eliminate CD volume designations in directory structure (consistency with Bootstrap).

3 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 SSM/I Reprocessing Reprocessing progressing slowly –1989 completed, reviewed by M. Anderson –1987 now completed Progressing much more slowly than planned due to limited Ops resources (human and hardware) –Ops down 2-3 people for part of past year; 3 different ops personnel for SSM/I since March (training time) –Transitioning to new servers, upgrades, etc. (computer resources often limited)

4 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 Future Plans for Reprocessing If servers and personnel remain stable, estimate ~2 weeks/year for T B files Resume reprocessing in mid-November Reprocessing for T B s should be done by the end of March (if all goes well) Reprocessing of sea ice concentration and ancillary fields will take additional time Once reprocessing finished, all data will be distributed to public via ftp (no more CDs)

5 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 Scatterometry QuikScat sea ice extent, 1999-2004 – – From D. Long, BYU – standard product Interactive viewing tool Improvements to standard product planned Links to other scatterometer data (JPL PO.DAAC, NOAA) for QuikScat, NScat, ERS

6 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 Scatterometry

7 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 Scatterometry

8 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 EASE-Grid SWE Product Update Update for July 2003 – March 2005 released on 20 September 2005 –Data now encompasses Nov 1978 – Mar 2005 –SMMR-SSM/I SWE augmented by visible imagery from NH EASE-Grid Weekly Snow Cover and Sea Ice Extent, ver. 3 (from NOAA-NESDIS weekly snow charts) –

9 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 SWE Product Update From

10 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 Sea Ice CDRs/ESDRs Interest in Climate Data Records, CDRs (Earth Science Data Records, ESDRs, in NASA lingo) for tracking trends, model validations, etc. Consistent, long-term data sets –Sea ice has potential for 1978-present –Very useful because of changes seen in the Arctic over past 25+ years Abstracts submitted to –Fall AGU, U21A, Achieving “benchmark” climate data records fro global climate change: “Developing sea ice climate data records for the NPOESS era” – Meier, Fetterer, Stroeve, Cavalieri, Parkinson, Comiso, and Weaver –AGU Ocean Sciences, OS037, Development and application of ocean climate data records from space: “Towards a satellite-based sea ice climate data record” – Fetterer, Meier, Stroeve, Cavalieri, Parkinson, Comiso, and Weaver

11 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 Sea Ice CDRs/ESDRs Sea ice is a good candidate for a CDR Goddard timeseries for NASA Team and Bootstrap have good consistency over satellite record –Intersensor calibration, quality control Both data sets have known biases and uncertainties Potential for improved data sets through data fusion, improved calibrations, additional data sets, etc. –NIC charts?, Hadley? –New Wentz re-calibrated data set? Will need to study benefits if there’s interest

12 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 Sea Ice CDRs/ESMRs

13 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 Transition to SSMIS SSM/I F13 launched in 1995; it is well past planned lifetime –Current primary NSIDC data stream for SSM/I products (F15 being collected as backup for NISE) –F13 may be turned off after F17 operational (scheduled launch 1 Dec)? SSM/I F15 since 2000; approaching planned 5-year lifespan SSMIS needed to span passive microwave record if AMSR-E doesn’t completely bridge gap with CMIS (likely if CMIS gets delayed)

14 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 Transition to SSMIS According to FNMOC (J. Haferman), SSMIS has been released and can be acquired via NOAA/NESDIS RSS (P. Ashcroft, M. Brewer) has no specific plans for SSMIS yet, but will handle in similar manner to SSM/I GHRC (S. Jones) has no plans to work with SSMIS, but data is still new, so this could change

15 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 NISE F13/F15 Intercomparison Near Real-Time SSM/I EASE-Grid Daily Global Ice Concentration and Snow Extent –Run operationally with F13 Data –Now running with F15 Data as backup – quick transition if F13 dies –F15 archived back to 1/1/2004 Compare F13 and F15 to determine differences that would occur due to switchover

16 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005

17 F13 descending passes, 6:24 am F15 descending passes, 9:24 am

18 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 1 Nov 2004 Sea Ice -5%+5% Snow Snow, F13 only Snow, F15 only Snow, F15 & F13 No snow F15 - F13 0% Coast Ice sheet

19 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 2 Nov 2004 Sea Ice -5%+5% Snow Snow, F13 only Snow, F15 only Snow, F15 & F13 No snow F15 - F13 0% Coast Ice sheet

20 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 15 Feb 2005 Sea Ice -5%+5% Snow Snow, F13 only Snow, F15 only Snow, F15 & F13 No snow F15 - F13 0% Coast Ice sheet

21 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 31 Mar 2005 Sea Ice -5%+5% Snow Snow, F13 only Snow, F15 only Snow, F15 & F13 No snow F15 - F13 0% Coast Ice sheet

22 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 All About Sea Ice Website Released 27 Sep 2005 Reviewed internally and by outside scientists Future revision and expansion planned Abstract submitted to Fall AGU Education session, ED11D Global Geoscience Education and Outreach, IGY and Int’l Years: “What About Sea Ice?—People, Animals, and Climate Change in the Polar Regions: An Online Resource for IPY and Beyond” – Renfrow, Meier, Wolfe, Scott, Leon, and Weaver

23 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 All About Sea Ice

24 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 Questions?

25 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 Backup Slides

26 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 Ops Personnel 3 of 5 full-time employees left in summer 2004 (2 moved to USO). Ops only rehired 2 of the positions (+ 2 part-time students) –With training, ops down two positions for most of 2 nd half of 2004 Two more ops employees left in March and April respectively, so again down two ops personal for the spring of 2005

27 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 SSM/I Ops Personnel Heidi Schumacher left in March 2005 Jonathan Kovarik replaced Heidi Fran Coloma hired in June 2005, replaced Jon Training on SSM/I takes about a month ECS training and other responsibilities also

28 SSM/I Update, PoDAG XXIV, 3-4 Nov 2005 Hardware/Software Issues Timberwolf (old tape system) transitioning to Rosebud (digital) –4 of 6 Timberwolf tapes used for transitioning –Reading SSM/I data off Timberwolf slowed considerably –Strain on Timberwolf has caused occasional failures – need to restart processing Upgrades on other machines, leading to downtimes and troubleshooting problems caused by transition Also, software changes needed to read F8 off of hard disc instead of CD –Minor issue, but took time because of unfamiliarity with code

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