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Physics Colloquium-28 November 2001 “The Neutrino Oscillation Industry”Maury Goodman, Argonne National Lab Outline  Neutrino History   Oscillations.

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1 Physics Colloquium-28 November 2001 “The Neutrino Oscillation Industry”Maury Goodman, Argonne National Lab Outline  Neutrino History   Oscillations  World Tour of Experiments  Solar  Atmospheric  Long-Baseline Accelerator  Nu opportunities –Superbeams/ factories

2 Physics Colloquium-28 November 2001 “The Neutrino Oscillation Industry”Maury Goodman, Argonne National Lab Testing Oscillations In the design of any neutrino oscillation experiment, you want to measure something (x) which will be different if oscillations exist; e.g. N event, R=NC/CC, N kink In general, x = x( ,  m 2 ) often x~ x(P 1  2 )

3 Physics Colloquium-28 November 2001 “The Neutrino Oscillation Industry”Maury Goodman, Argonne National Lab What SNO tells us Super-K has measured e  e, which is a mixture of NC&CC NC i e  i e, i=e,  have same cross section CC e e  e e only  they measure a mix of e   SNO measures primarily e d  ppe (CC breakup) Together, one gets  total,  e  total is not low

4 Physics Colloquium-28 November 2001 “The Neutrino Oscillation Industry”Maury Goodman, Argonne National Lab  interaction discovery DONUT - Fermilab beam dump experiment published 2000  expected from D s   decay 203  events in photographic emulsion See 4 events, expect 4.1  Background from charm & hadrons 0.41 

5 Physics Colloquium-28 November 2001 “The Neutrino Oscillation Industry”Maury Goodman, Argonne National Lab The truth about ’s What we know:   23 ~45 o;   m 2 23 ~.001-.01 eV 2   12 &  m 2 23 SMA, LMA, LOW or just-so  sin 2  13 < 0.05 What we want to know   m 2 23 better  Which solar solution?  See oscillations  See  ’s ----------------------------------------  see  13 or limit to 10 -3  CP violation  Matter effects  Sign of  m 2 23

6 Physics Colloquium-28 November 2001 “The Neutrino Oscillation Industry”Maury Goodman, Argonne National Lab How Long is Long? Definitions of “Long-Baseline” (my use is for accelerator based experiments) Webster - (long - measuring much, or more than usual, from end-to-end in space or time) Practical - Off site Useful (Beam) - The distance from the  source to the detector is much greater than the length of the decay pipe. Useful (Physics) - L >> E /  m 2

7 Physics Colloquium-28 November 2001 “The Neutrino Oscillation Industry”Maury Goodman, Argonne National Lab MINOS A neutrino beam from Illinois to Minnesota

8 Physics Colloquium-28 November 2001 “The Neutrino Oscillation Industry”Maury Goodman, Argonne National Lab Advertisement Free monthly neutrino rumor newsletter -- ~100 lines, send “subscribe” to or see Neutrino Oscillation Industry Web Page

9 Physics Colloquium-28 November 2001 “The Neutrino Oscillation Industry”Maury Goodman, Argonne National Lab Conclusion  The  world is one in which there has been much recent progress ( mass; mixing).  New insights are expected soon (KamLAND, Borexino, K2K, MINOS)  Another round of experiments at “superbeams” and factories will tell us more.

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