“The two most important driving forces for the federal budget are the aging of the U.S. population and rapidly rising health- care costs.” - Federal Reserve.

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Presentation on theme: "“The two most important driving forces for the federal budget are the aging of the U.S. population and rapidly rising health- care costs.” - Federal Reserve."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The two most important driving forces for the federal budget are the aging of the U.S. population and rapidly rising health- care costs.” - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke A Long Term Care Benefit Plan is the conversion of an in-force life insurance policy into a pre-funded, irrevocable Benefit Account that is professionally administered with payments made monthly on behalf of the individual receiving care. This option extends the time a person would remain private pay and delays their entry onto Medicaid.

2 “In the coming decades, many Americans will not have a way to pay for long-term care services. As the population is aging, the need for long-term care services is exploding. However, as the need for services increases, government funding will not be able to keep up, undermining a critical component of the nation’s health care delivery system.” –The Long Term Care Funding Crisis Milliman Consulting

3 Lack of understanding Most people falsely assume that Medicare or Medicaid will cover their choice of long term care in future. Most people will spend all savings on long term care in a year or less. Many people are unwilling to admit to themselves they have a need for care, don’t understand the types of care, and often don’t recognize a loved one is already providing them long term care.

4 Alarming Statistics 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65 every day 70% of them will need some form of long term care (40% in a nursing home) 88% of life insurance policies will never pay a death benefit (lapse or surrendered) 38% of people the apply for Medicaid own a life insurance policy that will count against them

5 “In the coming decades, many Americans will not have a way to pay for long-term care services. As the population is aging, the need for long-term care services is exploding. However, as the need for services increases, government funding will not be able to keep up, undermining a critical component of the nation’s health care delivery system.” –The Long Term Care Funding Crisis Milliman Consulting

6 Seniors in the US own approximately $500 billion of life insurance However, very limited options to access value in a policy Stop paying premiums and lapse or abandon policy Surrender policy back to insurance company (usually less than 10% of face value) THERE IS A BETTER SOLUTION… Can’t afford premiums? Need to qualify for Medicaid?

7 Long Term Care Benefit Plan Convert the death benefit of a life insurance policy into a Long Term Care Benefit Plan to cover the costs of Senior Living and Long Term Care. No costs or fees Simple application and approval process (30-60 days) All types of in-force life insurance qualify No age restrictions No medical underwriting required– APS review and phone interview to verify care needs No more premium payments for enrollee Monthly payments made directly to care provider/facility Final expense funeral benefit or account balance paid to family at time of death Benefit can be adjusted to match changing needs Nursing Home, Assisted Living, Home Health and Hospice all qualify Available in all states Medicaid qualified spend-down while remaining private pay as long as tax advantaged Benefit Account lasts** **(sec. 1016 U.S. Master Tax Code 2008) and IRC Section 101(g)


9 Enrollment Criteria: Immediate need for Long Term Care (within 90 days) Any type of in-force life insurance accepted Death benefit $50,000-$1,000,000 No Age minimum Simplified underwriting: APS review and phone interview to verify care needs Time to close 30-60 days Funds used for Senior Care of any form Account can pay for outstanding balances Monthly amount can be adjusted and moved from one care provider to another

10 Enrollment Example #1 Case Study: 37651290D Policy owner: 86 Male Policy value: $90,000 (UL) Lapse Value: $0 Cash Value: $0 Long Term Care Benefit: $31,500 or 30% of death benefit Enrollee approved for $31,500 total benefit with $1,800 per month payment to care provider for duration of benefit period. $4,500 Final Expense benefit issued at maturity.

11 Enrollment Example #2 Case Study: 14793181H Policy owner: 70 Male Policy value: $250,000 (term) Lapse Value: $0 Cash Value: $0 Long Term Care Benefit: $150,000 or 60% of death benefit Enrollee approved for $150,000 total benefit with a $30,000 initial benefit payment to cover first three months of care and $10,000 per month payment to care provider for duration of benefit period. $5,000 Final Expense benefit issued at maturity.

12 Regulatory Structure: Policy Transfer- Adheres to secondary market regulations governing life settlement market. Benefit Account- Adheres to Banking regulations and funds are FDIC-insured. Use of Funds- Adheres to Medicaid regulations. Policy Conversion Rights- Legal right of all policy owners and available in 50 states

13 Policy Conversion Bills introduced (as of 11/13): TX- HB 2383 (enacted into law) CA- SB 214 FL- HB 535 KY- HB 314 LA- HB 545 MA- SB 1909 ME- LD 1092 NJ- A 4168 NY- A 7952 PA- TBD Grants Medicaid Department authority to educate citizens they have right to use life policies to pay for any form of care they select. Specifies Benefit Plan requirements to qualify must be an irrevocable, FDIC insured account that makes payments directly to the care provider; the person must be able to choose the form of care they want; a funeral benefit must be preserved; and if there is any unpaid account balance when the person dies it must go to the designated account beneficiary.

14 Sample of Participating Long Term Care Companies

15 “…Life Care Funding puts the money in an FDIC insured account used to send monthly payments directly to a long term care provider…You can switch from one provider to another as your needs change; but you can’t use the money for a vacation (or blow it at a casino).” 10/9/2013 “But a few state law makers who have introduced laws to publicize the [Benefit Plan] option have pointed out that it beats surrendering a policy to access government benefits while also giving families more control over how to spend the money.” 8/30/2013 “Texas enacted a law earlier this month that gives state Medicaid officials the authority to tell people applying for help they can sell long-held life-insurance policies to a third party to pay for custodial health care of their choice.” 6/27/2013

16 In the NEWS

17 As Seen in-- “Long-term care is the sleeping giant of all U.S. social problems. It is most certainly the biggest age-related challenge our country faces.” – National Endowment for Financial Education

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