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WASHINGTON AND ADAMS THE FEDERALIST ERA. WASHINGTON AS PRESIDENT OF A NEW NATION  “A Heart Filled with Distress”  The 1 st Cabinet  Department of State.

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2 WASHINGTON AS PRESIDENT OF A NEW NATION  “A Heart Filled with Distress”  The 1 st Cabinet  Department of State – Thomas Jefferson  Department of Treasury – Alexander Hamilton  John Jay’s Supreme Court  The Need to Raise Revenue

3 HAMILTON’S FINANCIAL PLAN  Establishing Public Credit  Emerging Sectional Differences  The 1 st National Bank  Encouraging Manufactures  Hamilton’s Successes  Retiring war debt  Renewed influx of foreign capital  Flourishing economic growth

4 THE REPUBLICAN ALTERNATIVE  Hamiltonian Federalists v. Jeffersonian Republicans  Particular areas of conflict:  Tax on whiskey  Proposal for national bank  “Report on Manufactures”  Jefferson and Hamilton were, in many respects, opposites

5 FOREIGN CRISES  The French Revolution and Napoleon  Citizen Genet  Jay’s Treaty

6 DOMESTIC CRISES  Frontier Tensions  The Whiskey Rebellion  Pinckney’s Treaty

7 SETTLEMENT OF NEW LAND  Land Policy  The Wilderness Road

8 WASHINGTON’S FAREWELL  Called for unity, decried partisanship  Warning against permanent foreign entanglements  Election of 1796

9 ADAMS AND THE CONFLICT WITH FRANCE  Middle ground between Hamilton and Jefferson  Inherited an undeclared war  XYZ Affair  Strengthened American defenses

10 INCREASED PARTISAN TENSIONS  Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798  Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

11 THE REVOLUTION OF 1800  Republican victory  Judiciary Act of 1801  The Virginia Dynasty and sectionalism

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