European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC English language Proficiency for.

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Presentation on theme: "European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC English language Proficiency for."— Presentation transcript:

1 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC English language Proficiency for Aeronautical Communication Adrian Enright EUROCONTROL

2 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC  1. Introduction  2. Test structure  3. Test development  4. The future

3 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC – Test Objectives  Design a specific purpose proficiency test to meet ICAO and EC language proficiency requirements  Develop test specifications based on a Needs Analysis  Continuous review and evaluation  Deliver a test that assesses the English language proficiency of the air traffic controller

4 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 There is a need for a specific purpose proficiency test

5 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC – Development Team  Development team of ATC and English language experts  6 States and Eurocontrol  Consultant  Project team

6 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC  1. Introduction  2. Test structure  3. Test development  4. The future

7 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC – Test Design  Evaluating all ICAO language skills  Levels 4 and 5  Tasks elicit phraseology and plain language  2 test papers –1. Listening Comprehension (internet based) –2. Oral Interaction

8 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC – Paper 1 Internet based Testing understanding  Controller/pilot  Controller/controller  Routine & non-routine situations  Based on authentic communications  Range of accents ensured

9 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC – Test Security ELPAC – Test Security  High stakes test = high level of security  Servers on 3 layers  Different rights of access for different users  Economic to administer  Confidentiality ensured

10 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC – Paper 2 (i) Candidates must demonstrate:  Appropriate use of phraseology (RTF)  Switching between RTF and plain language  Making appropriate responses  Resolving misunderstandings  Dealing effectively with pilot/controller relationship  Negotiating an unusual situation

11 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 The controller must respond appropriately to pilot messages With acknowledgements to Martin Germans

12 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006

13 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC – Paper 2 (ii)  Dealing effectively with pilot/controller relationship  Negotiating an unusual situation  Making a verbal report in plain English  Produce extended speech in an aviation context –Give opinions –Put forward arguments –Evaluate –Speculate –Hypothesise

14 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC  1. Introduction  2. Test structure  3. Test development  4. The future

15 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC – Trialling  Sample of controllers MUST reflect target population  Ensure “Face validity” - feedback  Already two major trialling exercises –20 countries –237 controllers  Next trial – October 2006 –+/- 300 controllers –Ensure standardisation of administrators/examiners

16 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC – Test Evaluation  Quantative and qualitative analysis –Test results –Feedback forms –Bio data –Reports etc.  Check how tasks and items perform  Determine reliability  Evaluate “fairness” of the test

17 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC – Test Validation  Internal –Periodic checks that ELPAC meets purpose and requirements  External –Team of language testing experts from Lancaster University –Independent “audit” of whole test package

18 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC  1. Introduction  2. Test structure  3. Test development  4. The future

19 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC – 2006/2007  Major trialling exercises –October 2006 –March 2007 –May 2007  Sample tests  Production of training packages  Production of supporting materials

20 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC  Delivery - July 2007  Evaluation  Training  Assisting Member States with implementation  Ensuring sustainability of the ELPAC Test

21 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 ELPAC  The ELPAC Test Development Team applies best practice in language testing  Language skills, not ATC skills are assessed  ELPAC is a specific purpose language proficiency test

22 European and North Atlantic Office ICAO Regional Workshop Language Proficiency Requirements Paris September 2006 Thank you for your attention Any questions?

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