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Chapter 22 The Vietnam War. Background  French Indochina  WWII Japanese –Vietminh and Ho Chi Minh  France and the US  Domino Theory  Dien Bien Phu.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 22 The Vietnam War. Background  French Indochina  WWII Japanese –Vietminh and Ho Chi Minh  France and the US  Domino Theory  Dien Bien Phu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 22 The Vietnam War

2 Background  French Indochina  WWII Japanese –Vietminh and Ho Chi Minh  France and the US  Domino Theory  Dien Bien Phu (1954) –Geneva Accords (17 th parallel)

3 Conflict gets Worse  Ngo Dinh Diem –National Elections  Vietcong (NLF) –Ho Chi Minh Trail  Eisenhower  Kennedy –Coup 1963  Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

4 War Begins  Containment –LBJ election 1964  General William Westmoreland –ARVN  1965 180,000 troops sent  1967 500,000

5 Fighting  An Elusive Enemy –US on paper –How did we think we would fight?  A War of Attrition –“Winning the Hearts and Minds”  A Soldiers Morale –The Draft  The Credibility Gap


7 Back Home  Vietnam War will start dividing the nation –Living Room War  Civil Rights  The Great Society  NASA

8 Opposition  The “New” Left –Students  1965 “March” on Washington  What were their reasons? –Beyond the youth  Canada/ Draft Card

9 1968  Hawks v Doves  Tet Offensive –Public Opinion  Election 1968 –Humphrey/ RFK –Nixon  DNC Chicago –George Wallace

10 The Ending War  Nixon and Kissinger –Vietnamization –1969/ 25,000 troops are home  “Peace with Honor” –Nixon’s demand  The Silent Majority –Spiro Agnew

11 Trouble at home  My Lai  Invasion of Cambodia –Protests heat up again in US  Pentagon Papers –What does this do to the US government now?

12 The Final Pieces  1972 Nixon orders bombing of North  Election of 1972 –Nixon uses peace negotiations as a key component (Kissinger)  1973 Agreement is signed –Troops come home  1975 Saigon Falls

13 What Now  Veterans –The US treatment –PTS  The “Dominoes” –Khmer Rouge  The Wall –Significance  War Powers Act

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