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B→DK strategies in LHCb (Part I) Mitesh Patel (CERN) (on behalf of the LHCb Collaboration) 6 th February 2006 FLAVOUR IN THE ERA OF THE LHC.

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Presentation on theme: "B→DK strategies in LHCb (Part I) Mitesh Patel (CERN) (on behalf of the LHCb Collaboration) 6 th February 2006 FLAVOUR IN THE ERA OF THE LHC."— Presentation transcript:

1 B→DK strategies in LHCb (Part I) Mitesh Patel (CERN) (on behalf of the LHCb Collaboration) 6 th February 2006 FLAVOUR IN THE ERA OF THE LHC

2 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 2 Introduction Decays B and B to D 0 (D 0 )K involve b→c and b→u transitions → sensitive to  if a common final state is studied for both D 0 and D 0 LHCb will exploit a number of strategies to study such decays : –Atwood-Dunietz-Soni ('ADS') B ± decays –Dalitz [see C. Lazzeroni’s talk tomorrow morning] –Gronau-London-Wyler-(Dunietz) ('GLW') B 0 and B 0 decays The ADS method is a candidate for LHCb’s most precise measurement of , will focus on this Dalitz plot analysis sensitive to some of the same parameters – two methods complementary

3 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 3 ADS method – B  →DK  diagrams B - can decay into both D 0 and D 0, diagrams have very different amplitudes colour favoured colour suppressed Decays of D 0, D 0 to same final state allows these two tree diagrams (theoretically clean!) to interfere eg. consider decays D 0 →K  (K  ) … ubar b c s D0D0 b u cbar s ubar D0D0 B-B- B-B-

4 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 4 ADS method – D→ K +  - diagrams Both D 0 and D 0 → K +  - : (doubly) cabibbo suppressedcabibbo favoured For these decays the reversed suppression of the D decays relative to the B decays results in much more equal amplitudes → big interference effects Counting experiment – no need for flavour tagging or proper time determination ubar c d sbar u -- K+K+ DoDo u u cbar sbar d ubar K+K+ -- DoDo B - →D 0 K - (colour favoured) then : B - →D 0 K - (colour suppressed) then :

5 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 5 Interference parameters Interference depends on a number of parameters : –From the B decays :  – because have b→u, b→c interference r B – the ratio in magnitude of two diagrams (0.1 – 0.3) δ B – a CP conserving strong phase difference –The D decays introduce : r D K  – the ratio in magnitude of two diagrams (0.060) δ D K  – a CP conserving strong phase difference BELLE measure : –r B = 0.25±0.22 –δ B = 157±30 [hep-ph/0411049, 0504013 – Dalitz analysis] –BR(suppressed) = (3.9±2.1)×10 -7 [hep-ph/0412025 – search for ADS modes] We have assumed : r B = 0.15, δ B = 130 o, δ D K  =180 o (arb.) → BR(sup.) ~ 4.5×10 -7 BABAR measure : –r B = 0.12±0.09 –δ B = 104±53 [hep-ph/0504039, 0507101 – Dalitz analysis]

6 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 6 Allowing for all possibilities, have 4 B ± →D(K  )K ± rates we can measure : Two rates are favoured (1) and (3) Two rates are suppressed (2) and (4) – but these suppressed rates have order 1 interference effects as r B ~ r D Although r D K   known, taking the relative rates have more unknowns than equations – need information from other decays eg. D → K , or the CP eigenstates KK,  (r D KK =1, δ D KK =0) CLEO-C also expected to measure δ D (1)(1) (2)(2) (3)(3) (4)(4)

7 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 7 Present Experimental Status B factories are looking for these suppressed decays (2) & (4) B-B- B+B+ DK decays (~ 15 events; hint of asymmetry) D  decays (control channel; order 30 events) eg. Belle, hep-ex/0412025 275M BBbar Analysis is statistically limited … what can LHCb add … ?

8 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 8 LHCb intends to take 2fb -1 per year – 10 12 bb, 0.4 of which expected to be B ± In both sign combinations signal yields then : 10 12 bb / year × 0.4 × 2 ×  TOT × BR Our total efficiency,  TOT, and resulting sensitivity depend entirely on our ability to control the background – in very different environment to the B factories Full simulation indicates that acceptance × trigger efficiency × selection efficiency gives  TOT = 0.5% (more in a moment) : –Favoured→ ~60,000 events/year –Suppressed→ ~2,000 events/year cf. the ~15 events in the suppressed modes currently seen by BELLE Favoured: BR = 1.4×10 -5 Suppressed: BR = 4.5×10 -7 What can LHCb add... ?

9 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 9 Full MC performance LHCb uses full MC simulation to estimate the signal selection efficiency and the background : –PYTHIA - generation of p-p collisions at √s = 14TeV –GEANT - full detector response/spill-over and tracking through material –on/offline pattern recognition, full trigger chain, selections Signal selection efficiency  TOT =0.5% : 8.2% (geom.) × 87.8% (rec.) × 28.4% (seln.) × 25.0% (trig.) Mass resolutions –B ± ~15 MeV –D 0 ~6.5 MeV 100 cm Interaction region  sensor R sensor Si Sensors RF foils B ± mass /MeV Vertex resolutions –Primary vertex  z ~ 50  m –B decay vertex  z ~ 200  m

10 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 10 From a large sample of minimum bias events find no events are selected by selection cuts To study background in more detail focus on bb events where one b decays in 400 mrad – after the application of the trigger most likely source of background Background sample 20 million bb events generated with above condition ( → factor 0.434, sample equivalent to ~46M bb events) Still equivalent to only a few minutes of LHCb running ! Estimating the background

11 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 11 Background studies Favoured modes - expect ~60k signal events/year –Background from D 0  decays dominates (BR ~13 × D 0 K) Use RICH information to separate D 0 K and D 0  Find 3 D 0  events survive analysis from bb sample Generate a larger sample of D 0  decays to get better idea of B/S – find 387/580k D 0  events accepted → Expect ~25k bkgrd events/year from D 0  –Find no other events from bb sample survive all cuts –To improve background estimate – in particular from ‘combinatoric’ events – widen B mass window to 10×the standard one : Then find 3 events survive analysis from bb sample Linearly extrapolate into normal mass window → Expect ~1k bkgrd events/year from combinatoric (making conservative assumption trigger efficiency same for combinatoric background as for signal) –B/S ~ 0.5 [dominated by D 0  ]  (K  ) = 93%  (  K  ) = 4.7% B ± mass /MeV Momentum / GeV Efficiency / % MC B ± →D 0 (K  )  ± events 687 / 580k pass all cuts except B mass 387 / 580k inside 3  B mass cut

12 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 12 Background studies Suppressed modes – expect 2k signal events /year –Do not expect significant background from D 0 , BELLE measure D sup K / D sup  ~ 0.5 –bb sample indicates that the combinatoric contribution dominates : No events in normal mass window Find 3 events in the 10× standard mass window Linearly extrapolate into normal mass window → Expect ~1k background events/year from combinatoric events –B/S ~ 0.5 [dominated by combinatoric events] –Other sources of background have been considered : Favoured sign events when K  mis-identified as  K –Factor ≥0.05 for  mis-id as K, factor for K mis-id as  ≤0.10 → 300 events, B/S ~0.15 (BELLE veto on D 0 mass with particle hypotheses reversed) B→K  K mode – BELLE estimate from D 0 mass sidebands → contribution with B/S ~ 0.20 B→D 0 (KK)  mode – BR ~40 × sup. modes - BELLE use veto on m(KK) – little impact on E TOT The other modes that are required to solve for all unknowns are under study eg. B →D 0 (KK, ,K  )

13 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 13 Estimating LHCb’s sensitivity Preliminary studies performed using toy MC to generate event yields –Fix :  = 60 o δ B = 130 o r B = 0.15 r D K , r D K3  = 0.060 –Try full range of values for δ D K , δ D K3  Using particular set of parameters generate event yields Assume cos (δ D ) known to ±0.20 (conservative estimate CLEO-C precision) Fit parameters (r B, δ B, δ D K , δ D K3  and  ) Establish errors from spread of results over 1000 experiments [CERN-LHCb-2005-066]

14 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 14 Typical fit results: δ D K  =180 o, δ D K3  =120 o Fit results return input values 2 fb -1 Without background included Error on  = 3.9 o

15 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 15 Adding the background … Precision on  after adding the background : taking same example position in parameter space (δ D K  =180 o, δ D K3  =120 o ) Recall background estimate forB→D(K  )K : B/S ~ 0.5 B→D(K  )K under study K 

16 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 16 Robustness Scan over range of D strong phases, δ D K , δ D K3  While there are some values where close lying ambiguities cause problems, in general fit robust to range of values : A global fit including Dalitz information (or more D decays) may get rid of these ambiguities Precision also found to be only weakly dependent on r B and cos δ D knowledge An unlucky position in parameter space

17 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 17 Conclusions ADS method : –Candidate for LHCb’s most precise measurement of  –D(K  )K expected signal yields : favoured ~ 60kB/S ~ 0.5 [dominated by D 0  ] suppressed ~ 2kB/S ~ 0.5 [dominated by combinatoric events] –With our present understanding of the background a precision on  of ~5 o looks feasible with 2fb -1 of data Other B→DK decay modes will provide complementary information : –GLW method –Dalitz plot analysis [see C. Lazzeroni’s talk tomorrow morning] Eagerly awaiting the first collisions at the LHC !

18 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 18 Extending to B→D*K D*K has an extremely attractive feature : –D*→D 0  0 – here the D* and D 0 have the same CP –D*→D 0  – here the D* and D 0 have opposite CP → relative 180 o offset to δ B in the expression for the rates If can distinguish the two decays → powerful additional constraint ! [Bondar and Gershon: hep-ph/0409281] LHCb’s ability to separate the  0 and  contributions is under investigation

19 6 th February 2006Mitesh Patel, Flavour in the era of the LHC 19 Variation of BR(sup.) as fn of  D K  Choice of δ D K  =180 o (arbitary) affects predicted branching ratio of suppressed modes : At the worst possible point here BR(sup.) ~ 2.4×10 -7, signal yields then approximately halved : B/S ~0.5 → B/S ~1 Preliminary sensitivity study indicates that even with this worse B/S, precision on  of ~5 o still looks feasible Suppressed modes BR / 10 -6 δ D K  / radians Taking :  = 60 o r B = 0.15 δ B = 130 o r D K  =0.06

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