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Frog Study Guide. Name the structures. S- Nictitating Membrane T- Tympanic Membrane.

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Presentation on theme: "Frog Study Guide. Name the structures. S- Nictitating Membrane T- Tympanic Membrane."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frog Study Guide

2 Name the structures.

3 S- Nictitating Membrane T- Tympanic Membrane

4 Name the structures.

5 Z- Esophagus

6 Name the structure.

7 P- Stomach

8 Name the structures.

9 J- Lungs -Respiratory System K- Small Intestine -Digestive System

10 Name the structures.

11 X- Gall Bladder Y- Fat Bodies Reproduction

12 Name the structures. What are their functions?

13 F- Small Intestine - absorb nutrients G- Large intestine - Absorb water

14 The tweezer-like pieces of dissection equipment used to pinch are called?

15 The tweezer-like pieces of dissection equipment used to pinch are called: Forceps!!!!!

16 Frogs have a heart with ___ chambers

17 3 Chambers

18 Which letter filters blood?

19 E- Kidneys

20 Male or Female frog?

21 Female- F- Eggs

22 Name the structures.

23 H- Heart I- Stomach

24 Bile stored by the gall bladder is directed into what structure?

25 Small Intestine!!!!!! Bile stored by the gall bladder is directed into what structure?

26 Maxillary Teeth

27 Which side of the frog are you viewing? A. Dorsal B. Ventral

28 Ventral!!!!!!! Which side of the frog are you viewing? A. Dorsal B. Ventral

29 Which letter is at the anterior end of the frog? A. B. A B

30 Which letter is at the anterior end of the frog? A. B. A B A. Anterior!!!!

31 When the skin flaps are pulled back, which body system is marked by the X? X

32 When the skin flaps are pulled back, which system is marked by the X? X Muscular System!!!!

33 Name the structures. X

34 X- Glottis Z -Esophagus X

35 Name structure A A

36 The letter A indicates – Internal Nostrils !!!!!!!! A

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