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Charters of Freedom April 14, 2011 5-8 PM. Good News Your involvement in this Grant can earn you three hours of Graduate Credit through Maryville University.

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Presentation on theme: "Charters of Freedom April 14, 2011 5-8 PM. Good News Your involvement in this Grant can earn you three hours of Graduate Credit through Maryville University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charters of Freedom April 14, 2011 5-8 PM

2 Good News Your involvement in this Grant can earn you three hours of Graduate Credit through Maryville University. The credit is for your work from February 2011- August 2011. The credit will need post towards the end of the school year. Registration due to Dawn by next Thursday.

3 Horizontal Team Time Step 1 Purpose: Activate Prior Knowledge to prepare for DOI collaboration and the lecture Priority: Everyone has a chance to briefly think and reflect about current practice Structure: Three minute write on journal paper What do you currently teach your students about the Declaration of Independence and in what context (time period, unit, etc).

4 Horizontal Team Time Step 2 Purpose: Share grade level learning priorities related to DOI to share with vertical teams Priority: Each Horizontal Team Member gets his/her priorities to the rest of the group. The group processes commonalities. Structure: Round Robin Everyone draw a line under his/her journal. Title this “Group Thinking” Person with most experience is a “1” at the table. When I start the timer, he/she will share a bit about what they wrote. Move clockwise, next person is the 2, then 3, etc. As your teammates speak, you will use the space under “Group Thinking” to record the commonalities you hear/ notice. When the timer dings, it’s the next person’s job to speak. Please know this is not the time to discuss, this is the time to SHARE and LISTEN only.

5 Journal I currently teach the DOI the most in the unit we do on…….. ___________________________________ Group Thinking:

6 Horizontal Team Time Step 2.5: Poster Paper Record the common ideas of the group regarding the teaching of The DOI in your grade level List any details, contexts, strategies discussed Note whether the ideas were common or unique This paper will be brought to your vertical team later tonight

7 Horizontal Team Time Step 3 Purpose: Reflect upon collaborative work and set a purpose/ goal for the speaker Priority: Each person has a personal goal in mind before listening to the lecture Structure: Two minute journal for planning What do you want to know more about regarding the DOI or teaching thereof?

8 6:00-7:00 PM Organization of Americans Historian Declaration of Independence Presentation

9 Horizontal Team Time Step 4 Purpose: Reflect upon previous collaborative work and new information from the speaker. Priority: Each person has a chance to add/ share some new thinking Structure: Add new thinking/ new ideas What new thinking/ ideas about what you might want to include at your grade level re. the DOI generated by the speaker?

10 Horizontal Team Time Step 4 Draw a line under your group’s thinking previously recorded on the poster paper __________________________________ New Thinking/ Ideas: Add any new thinking/ ideas about what you might want to include at your grade level re. the DOI generated by the speaker

11 Vertical Articulation Steps Step 1: Please hang your chart paper in order of 5th, 8th, high school. Step 2: Do a gallery walk to build an awareness about what each grade level deems important. Step 3: Have each grade level give a brief overview about the content of his/her poster/ answer any questions other level(s) might have. Step 4: On post it’s or directly on the poster paper, please write the following stems and answers. Use one post-it per stem. I observe... Some patterns/ trends that I notice... I’m surprised that I see... I’m surprised that I don’t see... Step 5: Do another gallery walk (with your pen) and feel free to respond to posted comments/ post it notes.

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