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New Hymns and Songs from the Music Resource Group 1 A hymn for Advent Tell the World.

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Presentation on theme: "New Hymns and Songs from the Music Resource Group 1 A hymn for Advent Tell the World."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Hymns and Songs from the Music Resource Group 1 A hymn for Advent Tell the World

2 New Hymns and Songs from the Music Resource Group 2 Tell of a world created by God’s breath but marred and broken, captive now to death; Tell of its people hurt and astray and trapped in darkness, doubt and disarray. Then sing of hope as deepest night is pierced by uncreated Light!

3 New Hymns and Songs from the Music Resource Group 3 Tell of the prophets through whose fiery word God’s call to peace and justice could be heard; And tell of those whose speaking today unlocks the plan and pattern of His way. Then sing of hope for words make plain that earth will see God’s Kingdom reign!

4 New Hymns and Songs from the Music Resource Group 4 Tell of the voice of challenge and command: Repent! Prepare! God’s coming is at hand; And tell of those who hearing, turn to find the one for whom they yearn. Then sing of hope where off--ered hearts become the place true living starts!

5 New Hymns and Songs from the Music Resource Group 5 Tell of a woman by encounter stirred whose body sheltered God’s incarnate Word; And tell of those in every time whose lives give form and face to the Divine. Then sing of hope that flows from the place where God is birthed by human grace!

6 New Hymns and Songs from the Music Resource Group 6 Tell of a baby weak and without power whose crying sounds the dawning kairos hour; Tell of his life which, changing the world, brings in God’s Kingdom – now through us unfurled. Then sing for joy that He-- who came, is with us now and comes again! Text © Pat Bennett 2006 ( Tune: VENI IMMANUEL (French 15th Century Plainsong melody)

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