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Loudoun County Public Schools 2010 Communities That Care Survey.

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Presentation on theme: "Loudoun County Public Schools 2010 Communities That Care Survey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Loudoun County Public Schools 2010 Communities That Care Survey

2 Survey Background Research based needs assessment instrument 1,486 LCPS 8 th, 10 th and 12 th graders surveyed

3 Primary Focus Areas Protective Factors Risk Factors Substance Use Anti-social Behaviors

4 Protective Factors Protective Factors Areas That Students Perceive as Strengths 1. Social Skills 2. Belief in the Moral Order 3.Family Rewards for Pro-social Involvement

5 Risk Factors Risk Factors Areas That Students Perceive as Issues 1. Community Transitions and Mobility 2. Low Neighborhood Attachment 3. Poor Family Supervision, Favorable Attitudes Toward Anti-Social Behavior, Parental Attitudes Favorable Toward Anti- Social Behavior

6 “Lifetime” Use of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs

7 “Past 30 Day” Use of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs * Data not collected.

8 Highlights of Results Substance use increases between 8 th and 10 th grade Alcohol is number one abused substance in Loudoun County Substance use is decreasing locally and nationally Substance use in Loudoun County is below the national comparison except for “Lifetime” use of alcohol among 8 th and 12 graders

9 Focus for 2010-2011 Substance Abuse Prevention School and Community Rewards and Opportunities for Pro-social Involvement

10 LCPS/Community Collaboration Prevention and Intervention Strategies Substance Abuse Prevention Early identification of at risk students Substance Abuse (SA) Awareness presentations for 9 th /10 th grade health classes SA prevention groups for 6 th - 12 th grades Intervening with Teens and Tobacco Program Continuing support and referral for students in violation of the alcohol and drug policy Coordination of service delivery with Loudoun County Mental Health

11 LCPS/Community Collaboration Prevention and Intervention Strategies School & Community Rewards and Opportunities for Pro-social Involvement Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Safe School Ambassadors Bullying Prevention Programs PEER Helper Program SA & Violence Prevention Resistance, Refusal and Skill based curriculum, Young Men/Women’s Gang Prevention Groups LYI/ACOY partnerships Gang Response and Intervention Team (GRIT) Teen Center Mental Health Prevention summer camp programs Leadership Opportunities for at-risk students Identify Developmental Assets and Resiliency Skills

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