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Chapter 4 The War for Independence Section 4 Winning the War.

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1 Chapter 4 The War for Independence Section 4 Winning the War

2 Chapter 4 Section 4 Winning the War KEY TERMS Yorktown Von Steuben de Lafayette Cornwallis Treaty of Paris egalitarianism

3 Chapter 4 Section 4 Winning the War European Allies Shift the Balance Training the Continental Army 1778 Prussian captain Friedrich Von Steuben goes to Valley Forge & Trains colonists in fighting skills, field maneuvers of regular arm Lafayette join Washington at Valley Forge Lobbies for French Troops, 1779; leads command in last years of war

4 Chapter 4 Section 4 Winning the War The British Move South –1778, British take Savannah – Royal Governor reinstated –Capture Charles Town, 1780 – Greatest British Victory of the War –British commander Charles Cornwallis drives through South Carolina –African Americans escape Patriot Owners, join British to win freedom

5 Chapter 4 Section 4 Winning the War Colonies on Way to Winning French land troops at Newport, R.I. 1780 French & Americans attack British at Yorktown French navy defeats British and blockades Chesapeake Bay American, French siege Yorktown, shell British for three weeks Cornwallis surrenders October 1781

6 Chapter 4 Section 4 Winning the War Surrender at Yorktown 1782 peace talks include U.S., Britain, France, Spain American negotiators: John Adams, Ben Franklin, John Jay Treaty of Paris signed in September of 1783 –Confirms U.S. Independence –Sets boundaries of new nation –Ignores Native American rights; promises repayment of debts; no date set for British to withdraw

7 Chapter 4 Section 4 Winning the War War Becomes a Symbol of Liberty War stimulates belief in equality of all people However….. –Equality if for white men only –Women get no legal or political rights –African Americans still enslaved; those African Americans who are free are discriminated against –Some planters in upper South free slaves; most do not –Native Americans continue to be forced of land

8 Chapter 4 Section 4 Winning the War The Challenge of Creating a Country The Challenge of Creating a Government

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