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Introduction to CAD Computer-aided design (CAD) is: using a computer to create virtual objects or scenes.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to CAD Computer-aided design (CAD) is: using a computer to create virtual objects or scenes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to CAD Computer-aided design (CAD) is: using a computer to create virtual objects or scenes.

2 Introduction to CAD CAD programs are 3D Modeling programs for designing or running virtual tests on objects meant to be created in real life. You can learn CAD concepts in most 3D modeling programs. 3D Modeling programs without the word “CAD” in the title are usually able to create visualizations of objects that cannot be manufactured in real life. Computer-aided design (CAD) and 3D Modeling: is there a difference?

3 3D Modeling Tools Primitive-based Modeling Using Primitives (simple objects, also called Meshes) to create other objects Images from Caligari® trueSpace® [sic] (Freeware) Donut (or Torus) Cone Sphere Cylinder Square (or Plane) Cube

4 3D Modeling Tools Primitive-based Modeling Can include Boolean operations: Subtracting one object from another, such as subtracting a box to create a door on a house.

5 3D Modeling Tools Primitive-based Modeling Particles may be considered Primitives, and particle emitters can either emit small 3D objects or small 2D images or animations overlaid onto otherwise invisible rectangles. Eduardcaliman4d. “Trapcode Particular 2 - Particle Trail [eduard caliman].” accessed 2010-09-08

6 3D Modeling Tools Not all objects are made from simple objects. Some are made from curves.

7 3D Modeling Tools Spline-based Modeling Creating 2D Splines then using operations to transform them into 3D objects.

8 3D Modeling Tools Spline-based Modeling Based on Spline Curves A Spline is a Curve with control points and that generates other points in between, resulting in a smooth curve. –Béziers are handles which control the direction and tightness of the curve. –Splines can have either: symmetrical, asymetrical, or automatic Béziers.

9 3D Modeling Tools LatheExtrude (3 extrusion operations are pictured) Loft Spline-based Modeling There are several operations that use splines to generate 3D Objects. The most common are shown below: + = water slide

10 3D Modeling Tools In CAD programs, true circles are usually used instead of splines, in order to make the object easier to recreate using real life tools.

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