Unit 8 New Business 目的要求 通过本章学习, 认识到新产品研发的重要性, 新产品问卷调查表的格式。 学习重点 新产品开发的 6 个阶段 预订信的内容 学习难点 预订机票和酒店房间要注明公司的抬头、电话和联系人,付款方式和确认方式 安排出访计划 预约的确认方式.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8 New Business 目的要求 通过本章学习, 认识到新产品研发的重要性, 新产品问卷调查表的格式。 学习重点 新产品开发的 6 个阶段 预订信的内容 学习难点 预订机票和酒店房间要注明公司的抬头、电话和联系人,付款方式和确认方式 安排出访计划 预约的确认方式."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 8 New Business 目的要求 通过本章学习, 认识到新产品研发的重要性, 新产品问卷调查表的格式。 学习重点 新产品开发的 6 个阶段 预订信的内容 学习难点 预订机票和酒店房间要注明公司的抬头、电话和联系人,付款方式和确认方式 安排出访计划 预约的确认方式

2 Teaching procedure Warm-up questionsCheck Ss understandingText organizationPractical writingUseful expressionsAssignments

3 Warm-up questions 1. How is a new product produced? 2. What makes a good name for a new product?

4 Check Ss understanding 1. The creation of a new product is necessary for manufacturing company to survive. 2. The failure of a new product may be due to inadequate promotional support. 3. New product development always starts with generating a new product name. 4. New product development usually involves 2 stages

5 Check Ss understanding 5. Before new product created, it should go through certain possibility test within one company. 6. The stage “test marketing” is the key step which can not be ignored. 7. The success of new product depends mainly on both product idea and identification. 8. Good brand name must be easy to remember and can give customers a good image.

6 Text organization New Product Development ProcessesDefinitionThose involved Purposes Generating new product idea Generating ideas for new offers Customers, suppliers, employees, inventor, etc. 1.__________ ScreeningEliminating field of field 2._________To mesh with overall company objectives or company resources Business analysis 3._________NullTo fit with company’s product, distribution, and promotional resources Test marketing4._________Null

7 Practical writing: Letter of reservation 在日常的商务活动中,预定信的一般内容是预定交 通票证和宾馆房间,因此,预定信通常包括如下内 容: 1. 预定者姓名 2. 预定具体要求(如时间,规格等) 3. 付款方式 4. 确认方式 预定信的协作格式与一般的商务信件相同。

8 Useful expressions 1. Would you please book a flight reservation for MR. Michaela Twain? 2. I would like to book a flight for Mrs Angle Smith. 3. Please reserve a window seat in row 8-9. 4. If you require any further information, I may be reached by telephone at 89300400. 5. The airline tickets are to be charged to xxx company. 6. I’d like to reserve a single room with bath for Mr. Alan for the period July 8 to July 23.

9 Assignments Do exercises I- VI Role play (p131) Preview unit 9

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