2 PETER A FAREWELL & A WARNING. THE LETTER Written by “Simeon (Simon) Peter, a servant & apostle of Jesus Christ” Calls this his “second letter” (3:1),

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2 THE LETTER Written by “Simeon (Simon) Peter, a servant & apostle of Jesus Christ” Calls this his “second letter” (3:1), referring to 1 Peter Expects to die soon (1:14) so writes to give final instructions Readers not specifically identified (1:1). Seems to be general Chapter 2 is very similar to Letter of Jude

3 PURPOSES Remind readers of eye-witness testimony re Jesus (chap. 1) Warn against false teachers (chap. 2). Maybe Gnostics?? Encourage spiritual growth in the grace & knowledge of Jesus (chap. 3)

4 THEMES Chapter 1: Eye-witness testimony guards against spiritual deception Each of us is responsible for our own spiritual growth Scripture has a divine source, but a human dimension as well Chapter 2: False teachers act out of greed & arrogance They face certain destruction, just as sinners did in OT times Chapter 3: Those who deny coming judgment ignore history Knowing the end is coming should cause us to live rightly

5 ARGUMENTS AGAINST SCOFFERS 1.The universe hasn’t always existed; likewise, it will come to an end. 2.All things haven’t continued w/out interruption since Creation (e.g., the Flood). 3.God isn’t subject to our estimate or experience of Time. 4.The apparent “delay” is an act of God’s grace.

6 LESSONS FOR TODAY 1.Faithfulness to what has been ___________ - not novelty – should be the church’s goal. 2.Bad ____________ leads to bad morals & ethics. 3.Future judgment of evil is ____________, so there’s no need for despair. 4.A doctrine that doesn’t cause us to be __________ people isn’t a healthy doctrine.

7 KEY VERSE “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.” 2 Peter 3:18

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