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“The Truth Concerning Church Leadership!” Acts 11:19-30 Truth Matters.

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Presentation on theme: "“The Truth Concerning Church Leadership!” Acts 11:19-30 Truth Matters."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Truth Concerning Church Leadership!” Acts 11:19-30 Truth Matters

2 General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Schwarzkopf on Leadership 1. You must have clear goals… 2. Give yourself a clear agenda… 3. Let people know where they stand… 4. What’s broken, fix now… 5. No repainting the flagpole… 6. Set high standards… 7. Lay the concept out… 8. People come to work to succeed… 9. Never lie… 10. When in charge, take command… 11. Do what’s right…

3 The true nature and direction of any local church is wrapped up in her leadership. This is by God’s design…

4 Purpose: to understand the truth that church leadership is developed

5 IPREPARATION is God’s Part

6 … “Try these.” The man did, but they were too small. Pulled out another pair…

7 IPREPARATION is God’s Part A.Saul Experienced Humility B.Saul Experienced Failure

8 “If you can learn from your failures there is no end to what you can learn.”

9 IPREPARATION is God’s Part A.Saul Experienced Humility B.Saul Experienced Failure C.Saul Experienced Obscurity

10 “Spiritual leadership does not develop best in the glare of publicity. Further, since God aims at quality in His chosen instruments, time is not an object with Him. We are always in a hurry but God isn’t.”

11 I Timothy 3:6 “He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil.”

12 IIENCOURAGMENT is the Church’s Part A.Barnabas Encouraged Saul B.The Church Encouraged Saul

13 The sign flashed “JESUS ONLY” until the first three letters burned out. Then it flashed: “US ONLY”

14 IIICOMMITMENT is the Leader’s Part A.Saul was GENUINE

15 Gen. George S. Patton was leading troops across Europe when they came to an icy river. The troops grumbled… “No way we can swim across with our backpacks…”

16 IIICOMMITMENT is the Leader’s Part A.Saul was GENUINE B.Saul was DECISIVE

17 Saul was NOT “wishy-washy” or indecisive. In other words he could make up mind.

18 James 1:8 “…he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.”

19 IIICOMMITMENT is the Leader’s Part A.Saul was GENUINE B.Saul was DECISIVE C.Saul was a DREAMER D.Saul was COMPASSIONATE E.Saul was ENTHUSIASTIC

20 Saul was excited all his life – “…I have fought a good fight…” Zeal is essential for leadership…

21 Henry David Thoreau “None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.”

22 Two men were talking about getting and keeping in physical shape. The first man said, “There’s nothing like getting up at five in the morning, taking a five mile jog and then a cold shower all before breakfast.” Second man asked, “How long have you been doing this?” …

23 Conclusion and Summary: The development of leadership is something that cannot and must not be put off. It is a combined effort put into motion by God… Real leadership is not born or something that just happens. Real leadership is developed!

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