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Gap Production for Upscope of the Endcap RPCs Sung Keun Park Korea Detector Laboratory Korea University February 5, 2010 Workshop on the Forward CMS RPC.

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Presentation on theme: "Gap Production for Upscope of the Endcap RPCs Sung Keun Park Korea Detector Laboratory Korea University February 5, 2010 Workshop on the Forward CMS RPC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gap Production for Upscope of the Endcap RPCs Sung Keun Park Korea Detector Laboratory Korea University February 5, 2010 Workshop on the Forward CMS RPC Upscope

2 1. Contributions to Forward RPC 1)R&D of Gap production - Since 1997 2)Gap production KODEL in charge of production and QC for gaps for all the RE RPCs. - Low eta : RE 1/2, 1/3, 2/2, 2/3, 3/2, 3/3 (432 RPCs, 1548 gaps produced) - Upscope Low eta : RE2bis (288 RPCs) - High eta : RE1/1, RE2/1, RE3/1 3)Installation of 4 prototypes of RE1/1 4)R&D of HPLs 5)R&D for Upgrade

3 Silk screen method for graphite coating (100 ~ 200 k  /square) PET film coating

4 Gap assemblyLinseed oil coating

5 200 mCi 137 Cs gamma irradiation facility & DAQ + electronics

6 Barrel RPCs Low-η Forward RPCs High-η Forward RPCs (Plan) 4-th station (Plan) RE1/1 1) R&D of RE1/1 RPCs at CMS nose cones 2. R&D activities

7 RE1/1 Design for RE1/1 in 1.6<  <2.1 - 6 RE1/1 RPC modules tested for cosmic rays - 4 RE1/1 RPCs installed RE1/1 RPCs : 10 degree trapezoidal 36 RPC modules on each wing


9 2) R&D of HPLs Feasibility study for HPLs - A local HPL factory in Korea (Meltech). - Thin melamine-paper cladding on both surfaces of bakelite - The range of resistivity : 2 ~ 10 ⅹ 10 10  cm. - Maximum size of HPLs : 2450 mm ⅹ 1245 mm Quality Assurance for the HPL - KODEL built tools for resistivity measurement Recent procurement of HPLs for multigap RPCs - Thickness : 0.5 - 1 mm for the multigap structure - The test results of the small prototype to be presented in RPC2010 workshop

10 Resistivity tests for HPLs consisting of Melamine + Phenol sheets Batch1 : 20 samples of 0.5 mm melamine-phenol-melamine Batch2 : 20 samples of 0.5 mm melamine-phenol-melamine Batch3 : 15 samples of 1.0 mm melamine-phenol-melamine Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 α = 0.12/°C Mean humidity ~ 75 %

11 3) R&D of multigap RPCs R&D for high-rate triggers at RE1/1 for future CMS Higher rate capability ← lower avalanche charge - Rate capability ~ 1 / - Rate capability ~ 1/ ρ Then, what if multigap RPCs with HPLs ? - ~ 10 times smaller than CMS RPCs - HPL : Melamine+Phenol → ρ < 10 11 - Oiling required to reduce noises 0.6 ~1.1 pC 80 ~150 fC

12 For 6-gap RPCs (without gamma rays) TDC threshold = 1 mV ADC thresholds = 80 ~ 150 fC (in offline analysis) Mean q e at the efficiency plateau region → At 11.8 kV, ε = 0.97 (by TDC) and q e = 0.61 pC → At 12.7 kV, ε = 0.98 (by TDC) and q e = 1.12 pC ε = 0.96

13 Tests with gamma rays A 6-gap RPC installed at a 200 mCi 137 Cs gamma source (0.662 MeV) for high-rate background test - Accidental coincidences (geometrical) ~ 10 % 45 cm S - Current activity of the source ~ 156 mCi = 5.77 GBq Distances N γ (kHz/cm 2 ) N γ (signal) (kHz/cm 2 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 cm 375.0 3.38 (estimation) 45 cm 226.9 2.02 (measured at 13.97 kV) 55 cm 151.9 1.37 (estimation)

14 Muon data with gamma background - Shifts in HV ~ 1.5 kV at 2.02 kHz/cm 2 - Caused by increase in resistivity of HPL ρ 20 = (6.9 ± 3.5) ⅹ 10 10 Ωcm (at H = 75%) in Jul. 15, 2009 (right after the production) ρ 20 = (3.3 ± 0.8) ⅹ 10 11 Ωcm (at H = 47%) in Jan. 6, 2010 (final measurement) - Resistivity of HPL should be ≤ 10 11 Ωcm after fully polymerized. Mean charges Efficiencies & mean chargesEfficiencies & cluster sizes Future R&Ds - QC for HPL - Test of prototype 6-gap RPCs for RE1/1 - Aging study with high gamma backgrounds

15 3. Summary and Conclusion 1)Gap production - KODEL is ready for production and QC of the gaps for upscope - Gap production facility is well maintained 2)Other areas to contribute - Assembly of chambers - Electronics - High eta : RE1/1 (72 RPCs), RE2/1 (36 RPCs), and RE3/1 (36 RPCs) 3) R&Ds - HPL - RE1/1 (Multigap RPC, GEM)

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