2009 OSEP Project Directors Meeting Martha Diefendorf, Kristin Reedy & Pat Mueller.

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Presentation on theme: "2009 OSEP Project Directors Meeting Martha Diefendorf, Kristin Reedy & Pat Mueller."— Presentation transcript:

1 2009 OSEP Project Directors Meeting Martha Diefendorf, Kristin Reedy & Pat Mueller

2  To gain a deeper understanding of the facilitators, challenges and strategies of collaborative TA to State agencies through the story of the Early Childhood Transition Initiative.  To discuss your experiences with provision of collaborative TA, including benefits and challenges. 2

3  Research on EC Transition State and local models of effective practices for transition  Technical Assistance Experience Understanding of issues being faced by states and the realities of bridging research to practice  OSEP Direction and Support Evidence to determine implementation of IDEA transition requirements 3

4 An analysis of state performance on the transition compliance indicators as reported in their Annual Performance Reports (APR) demonstrated a need for system improvement and enhancement. (NECTAC, 2007) 4

5  Funds OSEP approved the allocation of RRC and NECTAC resources to support collaborative technical assistance activities focused on improving state lead agencies’ implementation of the transition requirements of the IDEA  Main purposes ◦ Build the collective topical expertise of TA providers ◦ Develop common materials for use in TA ◦ Provide consistent TA to states based on level of need 5

6  NECTAC (National TA Center)  NECTC (Specialty Center)  Regional Resource Centers  OSEP Stakeholder Input  Section 619 Coordinators  Part C Coordinators  PACER  Parent Training and Information Center 6

7  Face-to-face meeting of TA Nov 2007 providers and stakeholders  Development of “The Document” Dec 2007 - Feb 2008  Ancillary materials Jan 2008 and ongoing  Agenda for regional meetings March 2008 with state administrators 7

8  General TA for all states ◦ Materials on NECTAC web Feb 2008 ◦ Materials on OSEP APR calendar June 2008 ◦ Listserv postings ongoing ◦ Regional meetings Mar-July 2008 ◦ Conference calls/webinars Summer/Fall  Intensive TA for 12 targeted states ◦ Individualized onsite TA 2008-2009 ◦ Ongoing individualized support ◦ Development of long-term systems change plans 8

9 9  Framework for analyzing transition system infrastructure and program components  Structured to identify strengths & weaknesses  Includes improvement strategies reflecting the most current research and recommended practice based on an emerging evidence base  Differentiates between “evidences” that are across agencies and within agencies “Designing and Implementing Effective Early Childhood Transition Processes”

10  Sponsor: RRC Program  Purpose: To document outcomes and impact of the collaborative TA efforts  Process: RFP was developed and external evaluator selected  Who: Philliber Research Associates - familiar with provision of TA  Time frame: Aug 2008 – Feb 2009  Total budget: $18,000 10

11 To determine the extent to which…  Collaboration between OSEP, RRCP, NECTAC, NECTC and DAC was successful  States utilized materials and resources  Designated States utilized intensive TA  Strategies resulted in improvements in a State’s transition system 11

12  Web-based survey of States receiving general TA  Interviews with recipients of intensive TA  Web-based survey of TA providers 12

13  48% survey return rate from Part C & Preschool Coordinators  Product usage for at least 1 product: 92% had seen, 81% had read & 69% had used  2 most frequently used: Early Transition from C to B and Part C Federal Requirements  64% visited the EC Transition web site most often to download reports, publications, etc.  62% indicated that their State needs new or additional TA 13

14 STATE PERSPECTIVE  Phone interviews with 3 key staff from FIT, Part C and the State Transition Coordinator.  Well received & judged to be effective  Tools provided were helpful & easy to use  TA by external agencies was effective in bringing key partners together  Direct effects were increased: collaboration among the partners, family involvement in state/local team meetings & improved MOA.  Ongoing TA needed, including onsite 14

15 PROVIDER PERSPECTIVE  74% survey return rate from Initiative members  Majority of the 26 States rated were very or somewhat receptive to the TA  67% of States rated, made the TA changes to a great or moderate extent  77% of the Initiative members felt the Initiative was moderately successful  Barriers to improvement: o state’s lack of time/money, o identifying transition as a high priority 15

16 PROVIDER PERSPECTIVE  Most frequently observed changes: ◦ data systems ◦ interagency agreements ◦ revised policies/procedures ◦ improved communication & interagency cooperation  Greater success of the Initiative was limited by time & sufficient resources  Overall, TA providers felt the collaborative effort resulted in benefits for the States 16

17  Initiative achieved moderate degree of success.  Tools developed were widely used and shared extensively by States with staff and local partners.  Greater improvement can be realized with more time and States gaining an increased understanding of the Initiative. 17

18  Explore ways to make TA normative. Address reticence by States to access TA… “promote TA as a normal part of doing business.”  Improve the process of identifying and inviting States to participate in intensive TA.  Work for increased clarification of roles and relationships among Initiative TA providers. 18

19 19 Part B

20 20 Part C

21  What are your experiences with the provision of collaborative TA? ◦ Benefits? ◦ Challenges? ◦ Effective strategies?  How do you approach a State agency that has demonstrated need for your TA or similar services? 21

22 22  National Transition Initiative Web Site http://www.nectac.org/topics/transition/ectransitionta.asp  NECTAC Web site http://www.nectac.org/topics/transition/transition.asp  NECTC Web site http://www.ihdi.uky.edu/nectc/  OSEP – RRFC Calendar – Technical Assistance Related to Determinations Web site http://spp-apr-calendar.rrfcnetwork.org/techassistance.html  Data Accountability Center (DAC) https://www.ideadata.org/index.html

23  Martha Diefendorf 919-962-7368 martha_diefendorf@unc.edu  Pat Mueller 802-434-5607 eec@gmavt.net  Kristin Reedy 802-951-8218 kreedy@wested.org 23

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