1 Penn Elementary School ESD: Effective School-wide Discipline, an integrated approach.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Penn Elementary School ESD: Effective School-wide Discipline, an integrated approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Penn Elementary School ESD: Effective School-wide Discipline, an integrated approach

2 Penn Elementary’s Alignment of Academic and Behavioral Interventions 80-90% 5-10% 1-5% Tier 1 Universal Interventions Tier 1 Universal Interventions Tier 2 Targeted Group Interventions Tier 2 Targeted Group Interventions Tier 3 Intensive, Individual Interventions Tier 3 Intensive, Individual Interventions Academic SystemsBehavioral Systems

3 Penn Elementary’s Tier 1 Interventions 80-90%  Guided Reading  Student Feedback  Differentiation  Relationships Universal Interventions: All students Preventive and proactive Academic Systems Behavioral Systems  Baldridge  Data Notebook  Scroll Roll  Looping  Hydration  Effective Instruction  Research Based  Movement (Brain Gym)  Guidance Lessons  Bully Prevention  Scroll Roll  Guidance Lessons  Code of Expectations  Zero Hero  Teaching Behaviors  Quality Student  Baldridge  Penn Discipline Plan  Class Marks  Announcements  MARK  Sign & Return  Teaching Classroom Systems

4 Penn Elementary’s Tier 2 Interventions  Early Alert  Child Study  Reading Resource  SRA Soar  Learning Lab  Math Resource  PALS Intervention  Guidance Groups  ESOL Literature Support  ESOL Tutoring  Brain Gym  Each one Reach one  Early Alert  Child Study  BEP  CICO  Guidance Groups Peer Mediation  Mentors 5-10% Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Targeted Group Interventions: Some students (At Risk) High Efficiency Rapid Response

5 Penn Elementary’s Tier 3 Interventions  Reading Recovery  ESOL Tutoring  CS Plan  CCS  Mentoring (1 on 1)  CCS  Outside Resources  FBA/BIP CS Plan  Mentor Behavioral Systems 1-5% Intensive, Individual Interventions: Individual student Assessment-based High intensity, durable Academic Systems

6 Penn Elementary’s Alignment of Family Support 80-90% 5-10% 1-5% Tier 1 Universal Interventions Tier 2 Targeted Group Interventions Tier 3 Intensive, Individual Interventions

7 Penn Elementary’s Tier 1 Interventions 80-90% Universal Interventions: All students Preventive and proactive Family Support  Back to School Nights  PTO  Advisory Council Meetings  Welcome letter and packet  Penn Point Monthly Newsletter  Agenda (communication tool)  Family Fitness Nights  LA and Math Game Nights  Goal Setting Conferences

8 Penn Elementary’s Tier 2 Interventions  PEP program  Angel Tree  BEP  Conference Day  Agenda (with specific notes for a group of students)  Parent phone calls (specific group of students)  Sign and Return 5-10% Family Supports Targeted Group Interventions: Some students (At Risk) High Efficiency Rapid Response

9 Penn Elementary’s Tier 3 Interventions  Child Study  Comprehensive Child Study  BEP (when individualized)  Referrals to outside agencies  Parent phone calls (individual issues)  Note home targeted to an individual student  REDI Office Referral Forms 1-5% Intensive, Individual Interventions: Individual student Assessment-based High intensity, durable Family Support

10 Positive Behavioral Support Classroom √MARKS Individual √MARKS Mini- √MARKS

11 M.A.R.K. M odel Self Control A ttitude R espect K indness

12 Individual MARKS Individual MARKS can be given out by any member of the staff and are given to the student that is “caught in the act” of showing one of the MARK characteristics. The MARK is a sticker. We encourage our parents to ask their child WHY they received the MARK.

13 Mini-MARKS Mini-MARKS can be given out by any member of the staff and are given to a student who is following established school procedures, such as, in cafeteria; in hallway; in restrooms; or at recess. Procedures were developed by students and are reviewed during Friday Class Meetings. The Mini-MARK is a small token that has the name of student written on the back. A drawing each Friday AM is held to recognize one student from each grade level with a “prize” from the Guidance Counselor.

14 What does our Discipline Data tell us?

15 Office Referrals by month

16 Office Referrals by location

17 Detention Data

18 Sign and Return Data

19 Bully Reports By Year

20 ZERO HERO Program Data analysis showed that we had a spike in Office Referrals in Jan./Feb./March time frame ZERO HERO Program recognizes students who do not have any major discipline problems during the month A celebration is held in honor of these students and a note from the Principal goes home to the parents

21 BEP (Behavior Education Plan) BEP’s are used with students who are in need of Tier-2 behavioral support There is a CICO (Check-in and Check-out) connection between the student and his/her mentor on a daily basis with parent support/signature BEP’s involve the daily tracking of points throughout the day and the use of the PDSA problem-solving process to facilitate improvement


23 K-2 BEP Daily Chart

24 3-5 BEP Daily Chart

25 BEP Data Chart



28 Penn’s ESD Journey Coaching and Quarterly Data Sessions with grade level teams have been key Use of data to continuously examine the “facts” about our discipline issues Reflective approach that elicits staff feedback for improvement Rapid response through a 3-tiered approach provides support to all students along continuum

29 ESD Coaches & Administration Carolyn Lamm, PWCS Coordinator of Behavioral Support LAMMCR@pwcs.eduLAMMCR@pwcs.edu Lauren Curran, PE Teacher, ESD Coach CURRANLC@pwcs.edu CURRANLC@pwcs.edu Erin Schneider, Guidance Counselor, ESD Coach SCHNEIEJ@pwcs.eduSCHNEIEJ@pwcs.edu Jane Wheeless, Principal Wheelsjm@pwcs.edu Wheelsjm@pwcs.edu

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