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Media Literacy Why? What? Where? How? Professor David Buckingham

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1 Media Literacy Why? What? Where? How? Professor David Buckingham
Institute of Education, University of London

2 The importance of media literacy
‘I believe that in the modern world media literacy will become as important a skill as maths or science. Decoding our media will be as important to our lives as citizens as understanding great literature is to our cultural lives.’ Tessa Jowell, former UK Culture Minister ‘Media literacy is about creating something positive – it is about empowering people by providing them with the cultural awareness, the critical knowledge and creative skills which will help them to understand the way in which we view the world.’ Lord David Puttnam, UK government adviser

3 What is media literacy? The ability to access, understand and create communications in a variety of contexts Ofcom, UK media regulator Addressing inequalities and divides Critical: understanding, analysis, evaluation, Cultural: aesthetics, identities, values Creative: promoting participation

4 Why media literacy? The central role of media in modern societies
A basic life skill - accessing information and services, exercising rights, keeping safe Informed consumers - demanding audiences A prerequisite for democratic citizenship and civic participation Moving towards self-regulation, co-regulation

5 The changing role of regulation
UK Communications Act, 2003 OFCOM will promote… … a better public understanding of the nature and characteristics of material published by means of the electronic media … a better public awareness and understanding of the processes by which such material is selected, or made available, for publication by such means … a better public awareness of the available systems by which access to material published by means of the electronic media is or can be regulated

6 Where can media literacy happen?
Partnership between teachers, parents, media producers and regulators Through everyday use of media At home: roles for parents In peer groups and informal settings In schools: as a separate subject (Media Studies) in language teaching (a broader literacy) across the curriculum (education about media, not just through media)

7 The role of media education
Media literacy - the outcome Media education - the process Preparation not protection A broader conception of literacy Critical literacy, not just functional literacy Reading and writing - analysis and production

8 Media education: key concepts
Production: Who produced this text, and why? Production processes; economics; functions of advertising in the media; promotion and sponsorship Language: How does this text create meaning? Use of images, sounds, language; branding and product image; rhetoric and persuasion Representation: How does this text portray its subject? Realism and fantasy; stereotyping and values; images of social groups Audience: How do people interpret this text? Targeting of audiences; appeals and responses

9 Media literacy futures
Digitisation Commercialisation Globalisation Individualisation Participation Who’s in charge here?


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