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THE MARKETING FUNNEL Wednesday, September 9 th, 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "THE MARKETING FUNNEL Wednesday, September 9 th, 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE MARKETING FUNNEL Wednesday, September 9 th, 2015 1

2 TLC Elite This Teaching Call 2  The Sarasota Event: Saturday & Sunday (Oct 3&4)  The Marketing Funnel  Open Q & A

3 Please Confirm 3  Are you joining us at the Sarasota, Florida event at Brian’s home on Saturday, October 3 rd and Sunday, October 4 th ?  Please rsvp by Friday! 

4 The Sarasota Event - Logistics 4  Saturday, October 3 rd and Sunday, October 4 th  Dress casual  At Brian’s home  602 Juan Anasco Drive, Longboat Key, FL 34228  Food Allergies?  9am to 4:30pm  8:30am coffee/muffins

5 The Presentations = 3 Parts 5  Part 1: Where you were when the program began?  Part 2: What you have applied since the program began?  Part 3: What do you intend to accomplish going forward?

6 eMail Lindsay YOUR Presentations 6  In advance  One week before please  Email your presentation as a WORD document for the October 3 rd /4 th event to  And we will give you feedback

7 And now … 7 The Marketing Funnel

8 The Generic / Simple Process 8  Invitation to a FREE (event, download, video,)  Opt-in  Give Value  Follow up with eMails  Lead to the Sales Page AFTER Value has been given

9 The Marketing Funnel Flow 9  Opt-in page invitation via eMail and/or an Ad  Opt-in confirmation eMail  Opt-in "thank you" page features Video #1  Survey  eMail #2 driving people to Video #2  Web page features Video #2  eMail #3 driving people to Video #3  Web page featuring Video #3 (sales pitch)  Web Sales Page designed to sell your program  eMail #4, 5, 6 and 7 follow up  All Buyers are Directed to Program

10 Before You Launch 10  Program is ready  Client Page / Private Access is ready  Sales page is ready  Affiliate program is set up  Everything is tested! (and working)

11 eMail to Invite 11  Must grab people’s attention  Be intriguing  Benefit oriented  Have a call to action  Sample of an email content on the next few slides

12 12 Subject: [Webinar] Be, Do & Have More [Tomorrow] %$firstname$%, Do you find yourself wanting more? More personal fulfillment? More spiritual & financial wealth? More purpose & meaning? More FUN? Be, Do & Have More [TOMORROW] >> Click Here As a successful author & entrepreneur, I've learned how to literally design one's life and create success... Some amazing mentors have taught me how (knowledge which has been cemented together with many wonderful personal experiences).

13 13 For example, I'm grateful for having people like Bob Proctor in my life. In fact, just this past weekend, I spent time with him in Los Angeles, speaking on his stage and working together "behind the scenes". It's always so much fun. Especially when I get to fly with him on his private jet. :-) My point is, the strategies I've learned from others as well as by "taking action" myself have fostered a life I'm extremely honored and grateful to call my own. Tomorrow (Tuesday, July 14th), I'm inviting you to join me in the creation of your own dream! Learn my "secrets" to life & financial abundance at the brand new Millionaire Author Online Event >>

14 14 Register NOW to discover: How to build a million dollar business from a simple idea Why book writing & publishing doesn't have to be hard How to discover & turn your passion into profit Proven samples & case studies that will transform your thinking What's changed recently in the world of book publishing See you there? With gratitude, Peggy McColl The Best-Seller Maker New York Times Best-Selling Author

15 15 P.S. Becoming a best-selling author and a coach to others who have a strong desire to play a "big game" in life is the best thing to ever happen to me (besides giving birth to my son Michel). The deceptive part is this: We like to say that things like this "happened to us", but in truth, it doesn't work that simply... We must "make it happen" ourselves. That's what I've done, that's what Bob has done, and that's what everyone must do who desires to achieve great things. Join me tomorrow and let's make it happen for YOU, together.

16 The Opt-In Page 16  Visually appealing  Easy to understand  Call to action  Must be working  Hooked up to an auto-responder 

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18 Auto Responder eMails 18  Triggered to go as soon as someone registers  Reminds them of their commitment  Gives them the link to get access  Suggests they mark it in their calendar  Sample on the next slide

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20 After They Register (Opt-in) 20  They will receive an auto responder email confirming  Automatically directed to another page  Asked to bookmark the page  Invited to take a survey  Watch a video  Have a surprise bonus  Next few slides have a sample of that page: 

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24 The Live Events 24  # of “events”  Give great content  Let them know there will be an invitation  An opportunity to go further  High energy  Keep the same energy when you get to the “offer”  See all of the samples here:  

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29 eMails to Invite to All Events 29  See samples on the next few slides  Intriguing / Inviting / Captivating

30 Part 1 of 3 (email to invite) 30 Subject: A big "shout out" to FIRSTNAME, Rodney, Banafsheh, Mick… FIRSTNAME, I'd like to give a great big "SHOUT OUT" and "CONGRATULATIONS" to the following amazing new authors... Rodney Flowers - "GET UP! I Can't. I Will. I Did. Here's How." Banafsheh Akhlaghi - "Beautiful Reminders Anew" Mick Petersen - "Stella And The Timekeepers" [PEGGY - please list a few more recent clients who brought their books to best seller status in the last 12 months] If you Google the above authors, you'll find all kinds of great information about them and their books. Within the last 12 months, they've earned their titles as Best Selling Authors, and have begun building their dream businesses from their book ideas!

31 Part 1 of 3 (email to invite) 31 Plus, they have begun making the worldwide impact they're so fired-up and passionate about. It took guts. It took determination. It took action. And it required they do many things they had never done before. And they did it, with style! Would you like to add your name to this list? Then... Register For TODAY'S Webinar The Millionaire Author Event - Click Here

32 Part 1 of 3 (email to invite) 32 We're going LIVE on air in just a few hours, so make sure you register right now to join us, and take one giant leap forward. Space is limited, and quite frankly... life is oh-so-short. Your future is up for grabs, so come join us! With warmth, Peggy McColl The Best-Seller Maker New York Times Best-Selling Author P.S. Becoming a best-selling author and a coach to others who have a strong desire to play a "big game" in life is the best thing to ever happen to me (besides giving birth to my son Michel). The deceptive part is this: We like to say that things like this "happened to us", but in truth, it doesn't work that simply... We must "make it happen" ourselves. That's what I've done, that's what these new authors have done, and that's what everyone must do who desires to achieve great things. Join me TODAY and let's make it happen for YOU, together.

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37 The Sales Page 37  Must follow copywriting guidelines  Be compelling  Benefit oriented  Have a call to action 

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39 The Follow-Up eMails to Sell 39  Send emails after the sales presentation/event  Invite people to join  Create scarcity  Samples on the next slides

40 Subject: “On the fence?” 40

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43 This is the CONVERSION (C) 43  Important to be “selling”  Invite / Encourage  Be very clear on what you want them to do  Focus on the desires of your audience  Deliver what you promise  Surprise them  Over-deliver  Make it count!

44 To Be Successful 44  Watch the “models”  Follow them  Make note  Put it into “practice”  Improve (CANI)

45 Open Q & A 45

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