By: Angelo M Sep. 20, 2012 A is for Angelo I was born with that name. It suits me pretty well.

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2 By: Angelo M Sep. 20, 2012

3 A is for Angelo I was born with that name. It suits me pretty well.

4 B is for bacon I love bacon because it is crispy and tasty. It’s my favorite breakfast food.

5 C is for class Class is OK, but I don’t like the work. But math is fun.

6 D is for dad Dad is awesome because he got me a laptop. He is also the best dad I ever known.

7 E is for energy I have a lot of energy. I try not to us it all up by walking and sleeping.

8 F is for Friday I like Friday because it’s the last weekday of school. It’s also the day I go to my dad’s for the weekend.

9 G is for good I am a good person. I do good things for others.

10 H is for hamburger I love hamburgers and they are my favorite food. I like cheese and ketchup on it.

11 I is for isabella Isabella is a baby. She’s three and she is cute.

12 J is for joy I am always full of joy. I try to stay in happy.

13 K is for kid I’m still a kid, but I’m mature for my age. People let me do some grown up stuff, like cooking.

14 L is for love I love my family, and they love me. I am a lovable boy.

15 M is for mom My mom is mean because I don’t listen sometimes. I also love her.

16 N is for nougat I love nougat because it tastes so good. It has a great taste in snickers.

17 O is for oldest I am the oldest in the family. I am always home alone.

18 P is for phone I am old enough to have a phone. It’s a flip phone

19 Q is for quiet I like piece and quiet. I’m quiet myself.

20 R is for rest When I get tired, I rest. I rest on the couch.

21 S is for sleepy I’m always sleepy. I try to stay awake by watching TV.

22 T is for ten I am ten years old. My birthday is 10/30/01.

23 U is for union I go to my grandpa’s union. It’s a family reunion.

24 V is for vote I want to vote when I get older. I have to be 18.

25 W is for wash I wash clothes. It’s very boring.

26 X is for Xbox 360 I love my Xbox 360. I have Xbox LIVE.

27 Y is for Youtube I watch all videos here. I like videos.

28 Z is for Zak He’s my friend. He’s also mean.

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