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Scalp & Muscles of face D.Rania Gabr D.Sama. D.Elsherbiny.

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Presentation on theme: "Scalp & Muscles of face D.Rania Gabr D.Sama. D.Elsherbiny."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scalp & Muscles of face D.Rania Gabr D.Sama. D.Elsherbiny

2 Objectives Identify the superficial and deep muscles of the neck with their origin, insertion, nerve supply and actions. Know the formation (root value) of cervical plexus. Understand the relations of cervical plexus. Know the branches of the cervical plexus.

3 Origin: Sternal head: Sternal head: from manubrium sterni. Clavicular head: Clavicular head: from medial part of the clavicle.Insertion: 1- Mastoid process 2- Superior nuchal line. Nerve supply: Spinal Accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI). SternocliedomastoidSternocliedomastoid

4 Action: A unilateral contraction Bend the head to the shoulder of the same side, so that the face is turned upwards towards the opposite side. A bilateral contraction The anterior fibers:The anterior fibers: flex the head. The posterior fibers:The posterior fibers: extend the head.


6 PlatysmaPlatysma See scalp & face


8 Nerve supply:Nerve supply: Posterior primary rami of C3, 4 (C2-C6) Action:Action: Lateral flexion and rotation of cervical spine Splenius capitis

9 Nerve supply: Posterior primary rami of C5, 6 ACTION Extends and rotates cervical spine Splenius Cervicis


11 Scalenus anterior muscle: from the anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of C3 rd to 6 th to scalene tubercle on the first rib. Scalenus medius muscle: from the posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the C3 rd to 7 th to the first rib. Scalenus posterior muscle: from the posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the C5th to 7th to the second rib. Scalene Muscles

12 Action Elevate the ribs during inspiration. A unilateral contraction: (lateral flexion of the neck). A bilateral contraction (ventral flexion of the neck). Nerve supply: (C4-C6).

13 Triangles of Neck

14 Anterior Triangle Subdivision of Anterior Triangle of Neck

15 Posterior Triangle Subdivision of Posterior Triangle of Neck

16 Floor Floor of Posterior Triangle of Neck

17 Muscles of Neck (Suprahyoid Muscles)

18 12 3 1.Mylohyoid. 2.Anterior belly of digastric. 3.Posterior belly of digastric. 4.Stylohyoid 4


20 Muscles of Neck (Infrahyoid Muscles)


22 Formation: formed by the union upper 4 cervical nerves (C1,2,3,4) Branches: Superficial branches -Lesser occipital nerve (C 2 ) -Great auricular nerve (C 2, C 3 ) -Transverse cervical nerve (C 2, C 3 ) -Supraclavicular nerves (C 3, C4) Deep branches: -Motor to sternomastoid – trapezius. -Phrenic nerve -Inferior root of ansa cervicalis Cervical plexus

23 Cervical Plexus Sensory branches of cervical plexus include: Lesser occipital nerve C2 Great auricular nerve C2,3 Transverse cervical nerve C2,3 Supraclavicular nerves C3,4

24 Cervical Plexus



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