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Nutrient Cycles. Nutrients  Nutrients in the food you eat provide energy and matter that your body needs to stay alive  You need nutrients to carry.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrient Cycles. Nutrients  Nutrients in the food you eat provide energy and matter that your body needs to stay alive  You need nutrients to carry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrient Cycles

2 Nutrients  Nutrients in the food you eat provide energy and matter that your body needs to stay alive  You need nutrients to carry out life functions

3 Types of Nutrients  carbohydrates, fats and oils, proteins, vitamins and minerals

4 Nutrients  Are made up of ELEMENTS  Sugar is a carbohydrate with the elements carbon, oxygen and hydrogen.  Nitrogen is part of protein  95% of your body is made up of just four elements  Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen.

5 Nutrients Cycle  Back and forth between biotic parts (organisms) of ecosystem and the abiotic parts of ecosystem.  This process of moving back and forth is called nutrient cycle.

6 Water Cycle  Water is a substance that moves in a cycle.  It has no beginning or end.  It moves throughout the whole biosphere

7 Water cycle  Sun’s heat warms the surface water and the water evaporates into the atmosphere  In the atmosphere the water exists as a gas (water vapour)  When water vapour cools it condenses to form clouds

8 Water Cycle  From clouds, it may fall to the Earth as rain, hail, snow or sleet.

9 Run-off  Liquid that is not absorbed by the run off the surface into nearby streams or rivers.

10 aquifers  Some water seeps down through the soil into the ground water. Some ground water may flow into larger underground lakes

11 Water Cycle  Some of the water on the surface or in the soil is taken up by animals and plants  Plants have a major role in the water cycle.  Transpiration - plants release water vapour into the atmosphere through their leaves.


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