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Grant Basics Traci Merrill Assistant Director, Sponsored Programs October 6, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Grant Basics Traci Merrill Assistant Director, Sponsored Programs October 6, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grant Basics Traci Merrill Assistant Director, Sponsored Programs October 6, 2011

2 Types of Funding Agencies Government Federal Grants State Grants County Grants City Grants Block Grants

3 Types of Funding Agencies Individuals Foundations Private Foundations Corporate Foundations Community Foundations Family Foundations

4 Types of Grants Planning Grants Seed Money or Start-Up Grants Technical Assistance Grants Challenge Grants Matching Grants

5 Proposal Writing

6 Before your Write—Get Organized! Brainstorm the proposal with your team before you write Develop a proposal writing timeline Develop a checklist Remember to plan for the unexpected!

7 Some Do’ s and Don’t s Do’s  Read guidelines ? Ask questions  Write clearly  Use their terminology  Allow plenty of time  Keep it short <10 pp  Get to the point in the beginning of the proposal Don’ts  Skip guidelines  Make assumptions  Be vague  Use jargon  Wait until last minute  Send 30+ pages  Wait until page 7 to explain why this is really important

8 Tell your review what they need to know -WHY it needs to be done? -WHAT you propose to do? -WHO will do the work? -HOW much will it cost? -HOW you will evaluate the project?

9 Elements of a Proposal ► RFP/RFA ► Abstract ► Scope of Work/ Narrative ► Budget ► Supporting Materials

10 Abstract The abstract is a clear, concise statement that provides the reader with a broad overview of the project. There may be a word or space limitation to the abstract section of the proposal. The abstract provides an opportunity for the writer to “hook” the reader’s interest in the project. 10

11 Narrative  Statement of Need  Goals  Program Activities  Evaluation 11

12 Writing the Proposal Think like a reviewer A. Format the proposal so that it is easy to: 1) Find key points (like answers to the review criteria) 2) Read & appreciate 3) Directly address the reviewers comment format. 4) Type the guidelines into your narrative so the reader knows exactly where you are.

13 Budget  Salaries  Fringe Benefits  Travel  Supplies  Equipment  Other  F&A 13

14 Now that you have finished writing …  Put it aside  Have someone else read it  Swallow your pride  Give them a red pen ? Let them ask “dumb” questions  Call program officer with questions  Revise, format, spellcheck  Submit it on time!

15 Questions 15

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