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Winter Deaths and Affordable Warmth in Blackpool Dr. Gabriel Agboado.

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Presentation on theme: "Winter Deaths and Affordable Warmth in Blackpool Dr. Gabriel Agboado."— Presentation transcript:

1 Winter Deaths and Affordable Warmth in Blackpool Dr. Gabriel Agboado

2 Winter deaths

3 Mortality trend

4 Number of deaths and temperature

5 Excess winter death trends

6 Excess winter deaths & Age

7 Excess winter deaths & Wards

8 Excess winter deaths & IMD

9 Excess winter deaths & Health conditions

10 Counter Attack Service

11 What is it about? Project Counter Attack is a landmark project which aims to: – To reduce fuel poverty among Blackpool residents – Reduce the levels of cold-related illnesses, excess winter deaths, and health care costs during the winter – Identify barriers to accessing affordable warmth measures.

12 The Partnership The Scottish Power Energy People Trust (main funder - £95,000). NHS Blackpool (Additional funding - £45,000) Blackpool Council (support/administrative costs - £10,000) Age Concern (staff)

13 Achievements 1,139 households visited out of which 844 received remedial interventions: £ 211,800 of thermal improvements to homes £42,024 of emergency remedial action where heating and hot water supply compromised £ 1,450 of charitable funds obtained to defray emergency heating energy costs £ 1.1million of additional annual income achieved from benefits and health related allowance applications made on behalf of project clients

14 Barriers Lack of awareness of all or some services/grants Perceived Ineligibility Dispute with landlord over repairs Transience of tenancy (those intending to move) Property condition unsuitable Negative Image of schemes

15 How did the clients feel?




19 The service in its current form Raising general awareness Maintain and distribute fact sheet Advertise measures Bid for continuance funding for Counter Attack Service Continue outreach service for vulnerable residents

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