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Taking Notes! By Beth Thorpe Which Is Easier to Read? Most people of the Cherokee tribe, the largest tribe in the Southeastern United States, now live.

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Presentation on theme: "Taking Notes! By Beth Thorpe Which Is Easier to Read? Most people of the Cherokee tribe, the largest tribe in the Southeastern United States, now live."— Presentation transcript:


2 Taking Notes! By Beth Thorpe

3 Which Is Easier to Read? Most people of the Cherokee tribe, the largest tribe in the Southeastern United States, now live in Oklahoma OR Cherokee Southeast US Largest Oklahoma

4 Israel, and especially its capital, Jeruselem, is a sacred place for three of the world’s largest religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Israel’s Religion: Judaism Christianity Islam OR Which Is Easier to Read?

5 At age ten, Japanese children must begin to take on new responsibilities. By that age, he or she is expected to start practicing to be an adult. Japanese Children: Adult at age 10 OR Which Is Easier to Read?

6 How to Take Notes Use only as many words as you need in order to understand what you wrote later. Use minimum # of words

7 Write with abbreviations when you can. How to Take Notes Write w/ abbr. when you can.

8 Write large enough and neatly enough so you can read it later. How to Take Notes Write large enough and neatly enough to read later.

9 Rewrite: How to Take Notes Italy’s two main mountain ranges are the Alps and the Apennines.

10 Rewrite: How to Take Notes Christopher Columbus made a total of four voyages to the New World.

11 Ways to Take Notes Explored Puerto Rico Florida Explored: Puerto Rico Florida Lists: Ponce de Leon

12 Where and when was Balboa born? maybe 1475 Spain When did he come to America? 1501 Ways to Take Notes Questions and Answers:

13 What was he looking for? Gold and pearls What did he find? Pacific Ocean When and how did he die? Jan. 1519 Convicted of treason Beheaded in Spain Questions and Answers:

14 Write in Note Form How to Take Notes The three ships Christopher Columbus sailed on were the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria.

15 Rewrite: How to Take Notes Christopher Columbus made a total of four voyages to the New World.

16 Review Use minimum # of words. Write large enough and neatly enough to read later. Write w/ abbr. when you can.

17 Lists Like this And this Lists: Like this And this Use a style that works for you: Questions and answers? Answer Review

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