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Lesson 12. Lesson 12 #1 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence IdiosyncrasynounAn unusual habit of one particular person. One of Michael’s idiosyncrasies.

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1 Lesson 12

2 Lesson 12 #1 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence IdiosyncrasynounAn unusual habit of one particular person. One of Michael’s idiosyncrasies is humming whenever he becomes nervous.

3 Lesson 12 #2 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence InnocuousAdjectiveHarmless; not likely to offend anyone Is playing video games an innocuous way to spend time, or can it provoke violent behavior?

4 Lesson 12 #3 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence ObtrusiveAdjectivea)Unpleasantly noticeable; bold b)Thrusting out a)The scenic train ride was spoiled by an obtrusive woman talking on her cell phone. b)We kept bumping into the obtrusive display that stuck out into the aisle.

5 Lesson 12 #4 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence Orthodoxadjectivea)Doing and believing what is commonly accepted or customary b)Following established faiths and beliefs a)His parents maintained the orthodox view that children should be seen and not beliefs. b)In the 1500s, Copernicus challenged the orthodox view that the sun revolved around the earth.

6 Lesson 12 #5 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence PrevalentadjectiveWidely or commonly existing or practiced. Polio is no longer prevalent in the United States.

7 Lesson 12 #6 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence ProsaicAdjectiveDull; ordinary; lacking in imagination and spirit. Imaginative colors and designs can turn a prosaic item like a t-shirt into a work of art.

8 Lesson 12 #7 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence QuaintadjectiveCharmingly odd, especially in an old- fashioned way The quaint country inn has both a fireplace and a handmade quilt in every room.

9 Lesson 12 #8 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence RarityNounSomething that is very infrequent or scarce. Once common, the bald eagle is now a rarity in North America.

10 Lesson 1 #9 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence SingularAdjectivea)Being the only one of a kind; unique b)Being beyond what is ordinary or usual; remarkable a)Clara’s eyes had a singular purple tint. b)Mario had a singular talent for remembering people’s names, even after only a brief meeting.

11 Lesson 12 #10 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence TriteAdjectiveOverused and therefore lacking in interest We found it difficult to laugh at his trite jokes.

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